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“Team Liquid Co-CEO Steve Arhancet Grapples with Decision to Participate in Esports World Cup in Riyadh”

**The Complex Decision: Team Liquid’s Participation in the Esports World Cup in Saudi Arabia**

*Team Liquid, one of the largest and most successful esports organizations globally, faced a significant decision earlier this year. The organization had the opportunity to participate in the Esports World Cup (EWC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, but doing so meant grappling with important reputational risks. The decision was particularly challenging for Steve Arhancet, co-CEO of Team Liquid, who had to consider the implications of participating in an event held in a country where LGBTQ+ rights are an ongoing issue.*

## Weighing Reputational Risk: Team Liquid’s Dilemma

As a multigenerational esports brand and organization, Team Liquid’s reputation is of utmost importance. Arhancet, both personally and professionally, had to evaluate whether participating in the EWC in Riyadh was the right decision. The esports industry relies heavily on financial investments, and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund has injected substantial capital into the sector. Savvy Games Group, owned by the kingdom’s Public Investment Fund, owns VSPO and ESL FaceIt, which have become major platforms for creators and esports tournaments.

However, Saudi Arabia faces numerous human rights issues, prompting accusations of “sportswashing” – using sports to give its regime legitimacy. Arhancet, as a gay man, had to confront the dilemma of participating in a country where LGBTQ+ rights are not fully recognized. Despite valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion, Arhancet decided to approach the opportunity with an open mind.

## Navigating Cultural Differences and Incremental Change

Arhancet acknowledged that the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, made significant changes in the country two years ago that benefited women and youth. However, these reforms have not yet extended to LGBTQ+ rights. To make an informed decision, Arhancet conducted extensive research, engaging with NGOs such as Amnesty International and Out Leadership, and seeking input from experts.

Ultimately, Arhancet concluded that being part of the conversation and promoting incremental change was more impactful than boycotting the event. Team Liquid seized the opportunity to wear Pride uniforms during the EWC in Riyadh, a significant milestone for the esports team. The organization’s commitment to diversity was further validated by its status as the most watched team during the tournament, with over 21 million total hours watched, according to Esports Charts.

## The Long Game for Esports and Team Liquid’s Role

Arhancet emphasized that change in any industry, including esports, takes time. While the esports industry experienced significant growth and attracted substantial investment, expectations for immediate returns often went unmet. The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic further impacted the industry. However, Arhancet remains optimistic about the future of esports and Team Liquid’s position within it.

Team Liquid aims to be a multigenerational esports brand, expanding its presence in regions such as Japan, India, and Saudi Arabia. The organization recognizes the evolving demographics of esports fans, with older gamers becoming parents and raising their children as esports enthusiasts. By playing the long game and strategically investing its capital, Team Liquid aims to position itself as a leading esports organization.

## The Saudi Injection of Capital: Lifeline or Industry Endorsement?

While Saudi Arabia’s injection of capital into the esports industry is undoubtedly significant, Arhancet does not view it as a lifeline for esports. Team Liquid, already profitable prior to the EWC, sees the prize money as excess revenue to reinvest in the business. The organization aims to fortify its position as a multigenerational esports brand and expand its global reach.

Saudi Arabia’s interest in gaming and esports, driven by the country’s young population and the personal interest of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, has led to the creation of major esports tournaments like the EWC. However, for Team Liquid, the decision to participate was not solely driven by financial considerations. The organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, along with its belief in the power of incremental change, guided the decision-making process.

## Gaming as a Catalyst for Change

Arhancet believes that gaming has the potential to connect people across different cultures and backgrounds. The shared passion for games like League of Legends, which transcends language barriers, has the power to shape a different future. By participating in the EWC in Riyadh, Team Liquid demonstrated that inclusivity and progress are possible, even in regions with ongoing human rights challenges.

While the road to change may be long, Arhancet’s measured approach and commitment to being part of the conversation reflect the organization’s desire to make a positive impact. Team Liquid’s decision to participate in the EWC in Saudi Arabia serves as a reminder that change can happen slowly and unexpectedly, ultimately shaping a more inclusive and diverse global esports community.

*Disclosure: The NGSC paid for the author’s trip to Saudi Arabia, and GamesBeat was a media partner for the event.*

*Images courtesy of Team Liquid and VentureBeat.*

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