
“Tech Investors’ Social Media Feud Raises Questions about Journalistic Independence of SF Standard”

A social media feud has erupted between two prominent tech investors, raising concerns about the journalistic integrity of SF Standard, a three-year-old news outlet. The dispute began when a reporter from SF Standard approached sources for a story about VC Ben Horowitz and his wife Felicia. It turns out that the sole backer of SF Standard is another long-time VC, Michael Moritz. Horowitz took to the X platform to accuse Moritz of orchestrating a “cheap hit piece” against him through the upcoming article. He further alleged that Moritz uses the “fake disinformation ‘newspaper'” to fabricate hit pieces on his business rivals. In a show of solidarity, Horowitz’s business partner, Marc Andreessen, joined in the accusations and added a few insults of his own.

The controversy has raised questions about SF Standard’s independence and the potential bias in their reporting. TechCrunch reached out to both Moritz and SF Standard Executive Editor Jon Steinberg for comment. While Moritz has not responded, Steinberg confirmed that reporter Emily Shugerman is working on a story about the Horowitzes for SF Standard. However, he refrained from commenting on the substance of the piece before its publication.

Interestingly, SF Standard has previously covered news about both Horowitz and Andreessen. They have also published stories about Moritz. One notable aspect of their coverage has been their reporting on the acquisition of thousands of acres of rural land north of San Francisco by tech entrepreneurs and investors, including Moritz and Andreessen.

This social media spat and the subsequent questions about SF Standard’s journalistic independence highlight the challenges faced by newer news outlets in maintaining credibility. It is crucial for media organizations to ensure transparency and unbiased reporting to gain and retain the trust of their audience. The involvement of prominent tech investors in the dispute further emphasizes the need for objective journalism that goes beyond personal vendettas or business rivalries. As readers, it is essential to critically evaluate the sources of our news and seek out diverse perspectives to form a comprehensive understanding of the topics at hand.