
Tesla Emerges as Leading Customer for Lidar-Maker Luminar, Despite Elon Musk’s Criticism

Tesla, led by CEO Elon Musk, has long been vocal about its disdain for lidar sensors, considering them a “crutch” for autonomous vehicles. However, despite Musk’s strong opinions, Tesla has emerged as the top customer for lidar-maker Luminar.

In its first-quarter earnings report, Luminar revealed that Tesla accounted for over 10% of its revenue, amounting to a little over $2 million. This significant contribution from Tesla helped offset a 5% decline in revenue from the previous quarter, primarily due to reduced sales to non-automotive customers. Moreover, Luminar reported a remarkable 45% increase in revenue compared to the same period last year.

To further strengthen its financial position, Luminar recently announced plans to restructure its operations by outsourcing a significant portion of its lidar sensor production. This strategic move aims to scale the business and improve profitability. As part of this restructuring, the company will reduce its workforce by 20%.

Interestingly, Tesla’s association with Luminar is not entirely surprising. Tesla has been spotted utilizing lidar sensors and other advanced technologies on its test vehicles. Reports suggest that Tesla has had a partnership with Luminar since 2021, although the details of the deal have remained undisclosed. The recent revelation about Tesla being Luminar’s top customer raises questions about the nature and extent of their collaboration.

Elon Musk’s skepticism towards lidar technology is well-known. He has consistently argued that relying on lidar for autonomous navigation is a “fool’s errand.” Musk expressed his views during Tesla’s “Autonomy Day” event in 2019, stating that lidar sensors are expensive and unnecessary appendices. However, it is worth noting that Musk’s bold predictions during that event, including the launch of a fleet of robotaxis within a year, did not materialize.

Despite Musk’s opposition to lidar, Tesla’s significant investment in Luminar’s sensors suggests that the company recognizes the value of these technologies in certain applications. While lidar may not be essential for Tesla’s autonomous driving system, it is possible that the company sees potential benefits in supplementing its existing sensor suite with lidar capabilities.

As Tesla prepares to unveil its much-anticipated robotaxi on August 8, the increasing partnership with Luminar and Tesla’s continued reliance on lidar sensors raise intriguing questions about the future of autonomous driving technology. While Musk remains a vocal critic of lidar, the real-world performance and adoption of these sensors by Tesla highlight the complex nature of developing self-driving vehicles.

In conclusion, despite Elon Musk’s strong aversion to lidar sensors, Tesla has become Luminar’s top customer, accounting for a significant portion of the company’s revenue. This unexpected collaboration raises questions about Tesla’s stance on lidar and the potential role of these sensors in its autonomous driving system. As the development of self-driving technology continues to evolve, it is clear that the industry is far from reaching a consensus on the optimal sensor suite for achieving full autonomy.