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Thailand Among Top Asian-Pacific Countries Hit by Financial Fraud Scams, According to Google’s 2023 Bad Apps Report

Financial fraud scams have seen a significant increase in Thailand, as listed in Google’s 2023 Bad Apps Report. The report revealed that Thailand, along with Singapore and India, experienced a surge in frauds and financial crime claims related to scam apps. This rise in scams can be attributed to the high smartphone penetration rate in the Asia-Pacific region, which exceeds 90%.

According to Aman Dayal, head of trust and safety operations for Asia-Pacific at Google Play, scammers view the region as a goldmine for carrying out online fraud. Many users in the region rely on their smartphones for transactions, making them vulnerable to scams. Scammers often take advantage of people’s respect for authorities by pretending to be from government bodies or banks. Additionally, there is a digital literacy gap in many areas of the Asia-Pacific region, further complicating the management of online risks.

While senior mobile phone users may be more susceptible to false communications, dangerous programs, and frauds, people of all ages can fall victim to scams. A recent Google survey revealed that individuals aged 25 to 34 in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam are particularly vulnerable.

To address these issues, Google has taken steps to improve user safety. In countries like Singapore, Thailand, and India, where scams were prevalent, Google enhanced its Google Message service to protect users from social engineering. Additionally, the Google Play store now includes a real-time scanning capability that has already detected over five million new harmful programs globally. This feature was initially rolled out in India, Singapore, and Thailand last year.

Specifically in Singapore and Thailand, Google introduced the Google Play Protect feature to prevent the installation of potentially dangerous apps. This feature blocks apps attempting to access sensitive device permissions commonly used for fraud. The aim is to safeguard users and prevent them from falling victim to scams.

Scams not only have a financial impact but also take a toll on victims psychologically. Annabelle Chow, chief clinical psychologist at Annabelle Psychology, emphasized that scam victims experience a range of emotions, including denial, despair, rage, and even thoughts of suicide. In Asian cultures, where speaking openly about such experiences may be challenging, victims may face a lonely and debilitating journey. Chow suggested that improving empathy can help educate people on how to support scam victims and enable digital platforms to enhance their security measures.

Google is committed to combating bad actors and ensuring user safety. In 2023, the company will prohibit over 2.28 million policy-violating apps from being uploaded to the Google Play store and will ban 333,000 malicious developer accounts. With continuous investments in machine learning systems and improved app review processes, Google aims to stay ahead of scammers and protect its users.

In conclusion, financial fraud scams are on the rise in Thailand and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Scammers target smartphone users and exploit their trust in authorities. Google is actively working to enhance user safety through improved security features and measures. It is crucial for individuals to remain vigilant, not dismiss security alerts or warnings, and seek support if they fall victim to scams. Together, we can create a safer digital environment.

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