
The Battle to Ban TikTok in the U.S.: What Happens Next?

TikTok Ban in the U.S.: What Happens Next?


On Wednesday, President Joe Biden signed a bill into law that could potentially ban TikTok in the U.S. This move comes amid concerns about data privacy, national security, surveillance, and propaganda due to TikTok’s Chinese ownership. However, implementing the ban won’t be straightforward and could face legal challenges.

The Impact on TikTok Users:

If the ban is implemented, it would affect approximately 170 million monthly active TikTok users in the U.S., with 42 percent falling between the ages of 18 and 24. The app is especially popular among younger users who utilize it for various purposes such as organizing, communicating, educating, and entertaining.

Public Opinion and Controversy:

Public opinion on the ban is divided. While about half of American adults support a ban, at least half of all TikTok users oppose it. Concerns over data privacy and national security have fueled the debate, but TikTok has consistently denied sharing U.S. users’ data with the Chinese government.

Legal Challenges Ahead:

TikTok is expected to launch a legal battle challenging any divestment or ban. The company is likely to argue that banning the app or forcing divestment violates the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech and expression. TikTok’s case will also focus on due process violations and unfair targeting by the legislation.

The U.S. government, on the other hand, will emphasize the need to safeguard Americans against surveillance, data privacy breaches, propaganda, and national security threats. However, experts believe that the government will face challenges in demonstrating a compelling interest in preventing TikTok’s operation.

Supporting TikTok’s Case:

TikTok has strong legal allies and precedents supporting its case. Legal experts argue that banning TikTok would set a dangerous precedent for excessive government control over social media and limit essential spaces for people to connect and communicate. The lack of public evidence on TikTok being a national security threat raises concerns about banning the platform without clear justification.

Potential Operational Changes:

If TikTok wins the legal battle, it may still need to make operational changes to comply with U.S. government expectations. However, if the U.S. government prevails, TikTok will be forced to sell its shares to a U.S.-approved buyer or withdraw from cloud providers and app stores.

The Uncertain Outcome:

The outcome of the legal battle remains uncertain, as both Democrats and Republicans support action against TikTok. Many legal experts are cautious about making assumptions, highlighting the question of trust in the government’s national security determinations against personal freedoms.

Continued Debate and Future Implications:

Regardless of the outcome, the debate over technology, especially tech predominantly used by young people, will continue. Fears over TikTok’s algorithm and China’s involvement may persist as issues for U.S. legislators even if TikTok wins. Potential measures such as preventing TikTok from being used on government-owned devices and disclosure requirements could also be considered.


The ban on TikTok in the U.S. is a complex issue with significant implications for both users and the government. While the legal battle unfolds, TikTok continues to operate in the U.S., and its future remains uncertain. The outcome of this case will likely shape the government’s approach to technology platforms and their impact on national security and free expression.