
The Benefits of Going Carless and Switching to E-Bikes: A Personal Experience

Why More E-Bikes Are Needed

Transportation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, accounting for nearly 30% of emissions in 2021. This amounts to about 180 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. The majority of these emissions come from burning fossil fuels in cars. To combat climate change effectively, it is crucial to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels in transportation. While actions taken by nations, industries, and major companies are essential, individuals can also make a difference in their personal lives.

Swapping a gas-powered car for an electric vehicle (EV) is one way to reduce carbon emissions. EVs generate fewer emissions over their lifetimes compared to traditional vehicles. However, even when considering the emissions associated with biking (such as producing the bike and consuming more food due to exercise), e-bikes still have a significantly lower carbon footprint than EVs. A study conducted in Portland, Oregon, found that shifting just 15% of travel miles to e-bike trips could save 1,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions per day.

Beyond the environmental benefits, there are other reasons to consider switching from cars to bikes. In 2022, over 44,000 people lost their lives in car crashes in the United States, according to provisional data from the CDC. After years of decline, driving-related fatalities are on the rise.

My Personal Experience with E-Bikes

In early 2023, my wife and I found ourselves without a car after I crashed it. Instead of buying a new one, we decided to try e-bikes. Initially, I didn’t have high expectations for our experiment, but it turned out to be full of surprises.

First and foremost, riding an e-bike is a joyful experience. Running errands, going to restaurants, or visiting friends on my e-bike always puts me in a better mood. It brings back the carefree feeling of biking as a child. The sheer fun and excitement of riding an e-bike are hard to replicate in a car.

Apart from the enjoyment factor, e-bikes are also more cost-effective than cars. Before switching to e-bikes, my family spent approximately $300 per month on our car, considering expenses like insurance, registration, fuel, and maintenance. In contrast, the costs associated with e-bikes are significantly lower. While I didn’t track our bike expenses meticulously, they amounted to around $400 in the first year. This included fixing a flat tire, replacing handlebars, and purchasing saddlebags for carrying items. Additionally, charging my e-bike’s battery costs just a fraction of a cent per mile, making it extremely economical compared to an EV or a gas-powered vehicle.

Moreover, cars contribute to air pollution, particularly when they idle at traffic lights. Tailpipe emissions from cars are responsible for thousands of premature deaths each year in the US. While EVs eliminate tailpipe emissions, they still produce some dust and tire particles. On the other hand, e-bikes have zero tailpipe emissions and contribute minimally to air pollution.

Tips for Transitioning to E-Bikes

For those considering making the switch from cars to e-bikes, here are some tips based on my experience:

1. Get the right gear: If you plan on hauling groceries or other items, choose a bike with adequate cargo capacity or space for attachments like panniers. Additionally, invest in high-visibility gear and a helmet for safety.

2. Borrow a bike if possible: Before purchasing an e-bike, try borrowing one from a friend to get a feel for it. This can help you determine your preferences and requirements, such as the need for fenders or cargo space.

3. Start small and learn: If you’re new to biking for transportation, start with shorter trips and gradually build up your confidence. Experiment with different routes to find the ones that are most enjoyable and safe for you.

4. Track your expenses: Keep a record of the money you save by not using a car. This can serve as motivation to continue using e-bikes and help you realize the financial benefits.

5. Consider car rentals: Even after getting rid of your car, there may be occasions where you need a vehicle for longer trips. Budgeting for car rentals or occasional use of friends’ vehicles can still be more cost-effective than owning a car.


Switching from cars to e-bikes can have numerous benefits, both for individuals and the environment. E-bikes offer a fun and cost-effective alternative to traditional cars. They contribute significantly less to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. While not every trip can be made on an e-bike, incorporating them into one’s transportation options can make a meaningful impact. By choosing e-bikes, individuals can contribute to the fight against climate change and create a safer and healthier environment for everyone.