Home Gadgets The Clicks Keyboard Case: A Delightful Nostalgic Experience for iPhone Users

The Clicks Keyboard Case: A Delightful Nostalgic Experience for iPhone Users

The Clicks keyboard case has arrived, bringing with it a sense of nostalgia for the BlackBerry era. However, the device is not entirely practical for everyday use, especially with heavier and taller iPhones like the iPhone 15 Pro Max. The main issue with Clicks is that iPhones are not shaped like BlackBerry devices, leading to an awkward typing experience. The weight of the iPhone pulls the case downward, causing it to wobble and making it harder to hit the right keys.

To address this issue, Clicks suggests a proper holding technique to make the case more stable. Users are advised to cradle the phone with their pinky fingers supporting the bottom edge of the device and their middle and ring fingers supporting the back. Index fingers can rest on the back or sides of the case. However, balancing the keyboard depends on factors such as iPhone model and weight, as well as finger length and strength. People with shorter fingers may have more difficulty cradling the device.

Clicks has added ballast to the bottom of the case to help achieve better balance. However, early adopters are considering downsizing to a smaller iPhone model to make Clicks easier to use. The case works with iPhone 14 and 15 models, but not with the iPhone 13 mini. The weight of the iPhone varies between models, and even slight differences in weight can affect the usability of Clicks.

The case features a vegan leather grip pad on the lower back to prevent fingers from slipping. It also has a slightly textured surface to aid in holding the iPhone upright. Despite these accommodations, there is still a learning curve to using Clicks. Typing on physical buttons after getting used to touchscreens takes time to adjust. Clicks’ website suggests that it will take 20 minutes to learn, two hours to be comfortable, two days to master, and two weeks to build muscle memory for using Clicks effectively.

One advantage of Clicks is the satisfying “clickety” sound it makes when pressing the keys. However, prolonged use of the keyboard’s clicks can become annoying, and the noise can attract attention. Some users may appreciate the attention, especially with the bright and colorful case options available. The more corporate-looking gray color has been the most popular option at launch.

Clicks has not disclosed sales numbers but has seen strong interest in the product. The company is now raising a seed round to expand its product portfolio. However, users who plan to switch between Clicks and a traditional case need to be careful with the USB-C or lightning port. The case includes a warning about potential damage to the port if not disconnected properly.

The Clicks keyboard has well-spaced and clicky buttons, though they may feel slightly small. It also offers several clever touches, such as a built-in microphone and shortcut keys for navigation and accessing emoji. Once users have mastered typing on the keyboard, they can learn various keyboard shortcuts to enhance their usage experience.

However, the size of the Clicks case is a deciding factor for many users. Its long shape makes it difficult to carry in pockets or small handbags. Additionally, the case does not support MagSafe accessories.

Despite its challenges, Clicks brings a sense of whimsy and cheerfulness to iPhone users. It is not a product purchased solely for its functionality but rather for its artistic and technological appeal. Ultimately, Clicks offers a unique typing experience that some enthusiasts may find worth trying out.

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