Home Tech The Future of Game-to-Show/Film Adaptations: Exploring the Partnership Between Games and Hollywood

The Future of Game-to-Show/Film Adaptations: Exploring the Partnership Between Games and Hollywood

The partnership between the gaming and film industries is gaining momentum, as discussed at GamesBeat Summit 2024. The panel of experts, including Josh Yguado, CEO of Jam City, Maureen Fan, CEO of Baobab Studios, and Derek Douglas, head of video games at CAA, explored the challenges and rewards of adapting games into more traditional forms of media.

Yguado expressed his belief that gaming should be at the center of entertainment and that the potential for game-to-show/film adaptations is immense. He highlighted the vast amount of beloved characters and worlds that have been created over the last 40 years, which he believes should have been tapped into sooner.

Douglas acknowledged that traditional media is now recognizing the value of gaming, which wasn’t the case when he started in the industry 18 years ago. He mentioned “The Last of Us” as an example of a successful adaptation that was born out of a shared love and respect between the creators in both industries.

However, Fan pointed out that Hollywood still tends to view games primarily as valuable IP to be exploited, rather than appreciating the importance of game mechanics and player engagement. She emphasized the need for Hollywood to involve players and fans in the experience, rather than treating it as a one-way street.

Yguado envisioned a future where games and movies are developed as integrated parts of the same project, rather than one following the other’s success. He believes that entertainment properties can benefit from multiple channels of engagement and that this holistic approach is the future of entertainment.

This discussion at GamesBeat Summit 2024 highlights the growing recognition of the potential for game-to-show/film adaptations. As both industries continue to evolve, it is clear that collaboration and a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths will be essential for successful adaptations in the future.

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