
The Impact of AI on Philanthropy: Balancing Efficiency and Human Connection

# The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Philanthropy: A Second Thought

## AI for Good: Transforming the Nonprofit Sector

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been widely discussed for its potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, from education to business. However, the impact of AI on philanthropy is often overlooked. AI’s ability to automate tasks and improve efficiency is particularly appealing to nonprofit organizations that operate on tight budgets and limited resources. Many philanthropic leaders see AI as a game-changer for nonprofits, especially small community-oriented organizations struggling to survive.

The promise of AI lies in its potential to free users from mundane and repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more meaningful and impactful work. This is a core principle of many “AI for good” initiatives that aim to leverage AI to expedite processes, automate administrative tasks, and promote equity within the nonprofit sector. By utilizing AI, nonprofits can enhance customer service, streamline operations, and attract the attention of potential donors with deep pockets.

However, there is a growing concern about the potential negative consequences of integrating AI into philanthropy. As society faces a crisis of care, with increasing reports of hopelessness and apathy, the question arises: Does AI, with its digital automation and lack of human interaction, exacerbate feelings of disconnection and dissociation? Additionally, there is a crisis of attention, where the allure of rapidly moving images on screens competes with the slower, real-world issues that nonprofits address. Can AI effectively grab the public’s attention, inspire empathy, and maintain long-term engagement in philanthropic causes?

## Google Search: Unveiling Potential Problems

In May, Google introduced its AI-summarizing feature called Search Labs’ AI Overviews. This feature, displayed in a highlighted box under the search bar, aims to provide users with concise summaries of search results. While the intention was to make information retrieval easier, the early launch of AI Overviews was met with skepticism and concerns. Results were often nonsensical, leading to the spread of misinformation and fake screenshots. Journalists and creatives rallied against the tool, highlighting issues of misappropriated bylines and its potential impact on content visibility and online traffic.

These concerns extend beyond the news media and into the nonprofit sector. Kevin Scally, Chief Development Officer at Charity Navigator, emphasizes that problems faced by the for-profit sector will inevitably affect the nonprofit sector as well. The streamlined search summaries generated by AI Overviews raise questions of algorithmic bias, funding, and visibility for nonprofits. Legitimate organizations could be overshadowed by ambiguous summaries or false results, further exacerbating existing challenges in the sector.

## Navigating the Information Overload: The Challenge for Nonprofits

AI is not a new concept in the nonprofit sector. Organizations like Candid have been exploring AI’s potential for several years, using it to improve resource accessibility for underserved populations. AI tools offer valuable solutions for nonprofits, ranging from cutting down administrative tasks to assisting with customer service. However, the general availability and accessibility of AI tools also pose a significant challenge for nonprofits: discoverability.

Nonprofits face the challenge of distinguishing themselves in a crowded online landscape. AI-boosted searches may struggle to differentiate between organizations with similar names or prioritize smaller, localized nonprofits over larger, well-known ones. In some cases, bad actors have even exploited SEO tactics to divert donations from well-intentioned donors to fraudulent organizations. AI’s reliance on data and algorithms may perpetuate these problems, making it harder for smaller nonprofits to gain visibility and funding.

Moreover, AI’s summarization capabilities sacrifice the nuance of nonprofit missions and the intricate processes involved in achieving their goals. While Google’s Search Overviews aim to simplify information retrieval, they cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of the work done by nonprofits. AI lacks the human brain and the ability to incorporate the subtle nuances of human interactions and compassion required in philanthropy.

## The Value of Human Connection in Philanthropy

AI’s efficiency goals and streamlined processes risk undermining one of the core purposes of charitable giving: human-to-human connection. Charitable giving is not only about financial contributions but also about the emotional investment and personal connection between donors and the causes they support. AI’s rapid advancement and the reliance on technology for decision-making can lead to a loss of this essential human element.

The decrease in charitable giving in 2023, coupled with the growth of donor-advised funds, highlights this concern. Donor-advised funds allow individuals to donate money while remaining emotionally uninvolved in the causes they support. This shift towards detached giving contradicts the recent trend of mass community giving and the revival of mutual aid concepts. The risk is that AI-driven philanthropy may turn charity into another investment, devoid of the “warm glow of giving” and human connection.

## Embracing AI Responsibly: Finding a Balance

Despite the concerns surrounding AI, nonprofits and organizations like Candid and Charity Navigator are not dismissing its potential entirely. They recognize the need for a balanced approach that harnesses AI’s benefits while preserving the values and connection that underpin philanthropy. Rather than relying solely on AI recommendations, these organizations advocate for more context, information, and links to empower individuals to make informed decisions.

The key lies in utilizing AI responsibly and ethically, leveraging its potential without compromising human connection and personal involvement. While AI can assist in tasks such as grant proposal drafting and document management, it should not replace the critical role of human professionals in understanding the nuances of nonprofit work. By striking a balance between human expertise and AI capabilities, nonprofits can harness the power of AI to enhance their operations and reach, while still prioritizing the importance of compassionate human connection.

AI’s evolution requires continuous data refinement, wider inclusivity, and the elimination of biases. Nonprofits and social sector actors can form a symbiotic relationship with AI, leveraging its investments to further their work while ensuring that recommendations and decisions are made by human professionals. The challenge lies in using AI wisely, with a focus on closing equity gaps and promoting full participation for all individuals. While the answers to these questions are still unknown, a compassionate and human-centered approach is crucial as AI continues to advance in the philanthropic landscape.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to transform philanthropy, but it must be harnessed responsibly. By combining AI’s capabilities with human expertise and connection, nonprofits can navigate the complexities of the digital age while maintaining their core values. The future of AI in philanthropy lies in striking a delicate balance between efficiency and human compassion, ensuring that technology serves as a tool rather than a replacement for human connection and intention.