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The Importance of Gaming for Children: A Conversation with Songyee Yoon, President of NCSoft

## The Importance of Gaming in Learning and Innovation

Songyee Yoon, the president of NCSoft, a major South Korean game developer, believes that gaming is an essential part of human nature. In her book “Push Play: Gaming for a Better World,” Yoon explains that play is ingrained in our DNA and serves as a way for us to experiment with ideas and learn. She argues that gaming pushes us to imagine what more we can become and encourages creativity and innovation.

Yoon’s passion for gaming and its positive impact on children led her to write the book. As a woman leader in the gaming industry, she often gets questioned by parents about the benefits of games for children. She wanted to bridge the gap between parents who view gaming negatively and children who find joy, learning, and social interaction through games.

## The Role of Play in Human Evolution

Yoon emphasizes that play has always been a part of human evolution. Just as mammals play to develop skills and learn about the world, humans engage in various forms of play to understand social norms and interact with each other. Whether it’s role-playing or playing games on a computer or device, the essence of play and its impact on learning remains unchanged.

## The Need for Diversity in Gaming

Yoon acknowledges that the gaming industry has traditionally been male-dominated, which poses challenges for women aspiring to leadership positions. She shares her personal experiences of being one of the few women in her field and the importance of having female friends and colleagues. Yoon believes that increasing gender diversity is not only crucial for creating a more equitable industry but also for better understanding the needs and preferences of the diverse audience that games cater to.

To promote diversity at NCSoft, Yoon has taken concrete steps, such as establishing a daycare at the company’s headquarters. By providing comprehensive childcare services that consider the needs of working parents, NCSoft has seen increased retention rates and attracted talented individuals who value a family-friendly workplace. Yoon’s efforts have had a positive impact on society, with other companies and even the government implementing similar initiatives.

## The Future of the Game Industry

Yoon believes that the game industry should continue to focus on innovation and providing unique experiences for players. As early adopters, gamers expect the industry to be at the forefront of technological advancements. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Yoon emphasizes the importance of staying true to the principles of creativity and imagination that define the gaming industry.

Yoon also addresses concerns about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in games. She sees AI as a tool that can enhance creativity and overcome physical limitations in game development. As long as AI is used responsibly and in a way that sparks imagination in players, it can contribute to the industry’s growth and success.

## Inspiring Resilience

Yoon’s personal journey as a resilient woman leader in a male-dominated industry serves as an inspiration to others. She emphasizes the importance of humility, adaptability, and listening to the market and audience in maintaining resilience both individually and as a company. By staying true to their mission and being open to change, companies can navigate challenges and stay resilient in a rapidly evolving industry.

Overall, Yoon’s insights and experiences highlight the positive impact of gaming on learning, innovation, and diversity. Her vision for a more inclusive and equitable game industry serves as a guide for future leaders and inspires the pursuit of gaming experiences that enrich lives and create a better world.

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