
The Importance of Meme Management in Political Campaigns

The Biden administration is taking a unique approach to engage with voters by hiring a professional meme manager. In today’s digital age, online organizing is just as crucial as traditional methods like canvassing. By reaching out to voters through memes, candidates can tap into the power of viral content and connect with millions of people. Even though President Biden signed a bill that could potentially ban TikTok, his campaign still recognized the importance of having a presence on the platform.

Annie Wu Henry, a creator and digital communications strategist, emphasized the significance of incorporating relevant and trendy moments into political communication on digital platforms. However, she also stressed the need for strategic and intentional messaging, even when using memes. This highlights the importance of striking a balance between fun and engaging content while still conveying a clear political message.

The Biden campaign has already utilized memes effectively to appeal to voters. The Dark Brandon meme, derived from alt-right conspiracy theories about President Biden, has been widely shared on the campaign’s social media accounts. Despite its repetitive nature, the meme has resonated with the audience. In fact, last August, Dark Brandon merchandise accounted for over half of the campaign store’s total revenue.

Former President Trump also recognized the power of memes during his campaigns. When his mugshot went viral, his campaign capitalized on the moment by selling merchandise featuring the image with the text “Never Surrender.” This demonstrates that both Democrats and Republicans acknowledge the influence of online content in shaping public opinion.

The use of social media in political campaigns is not new. Throughout the existence of platforms like Facebook and Twitter, politicians have recognized their potential as valuable tools for engaging with voters. However, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital tactics by campaigns. For example, during Senator Ed Markey’s reelection campaign in 2020, Gen Z activists created an online movement called “the Markeyverse” to support him. Additionally, Organizer Memes, an anonymous online personality, has been conducting meme trainings for political organizations, teaching participants how to create effective memes and react to breaking political news in real-time.

While the Biden administration’s potential ban on TikTok may raise skepticism among young people, it is still an important step in trying to connect with a younger demographic. By embracing social media and utilizing memes, the campaign demonstrates its willingness to adapt and engage with voters on platforms that are popular among the youth. Although the role of a professional meme manager may seem absurd, it highlights the growing importance of digital organizing in modern political campaigns.