
The Integration of Money and Politics in AI Safety Expands with the Introduction of a New Super PAC

blankThe integration of money and politics in the field of AI Safety has taken a significant step forward with the introduction of a new Super PAC called “Americans for AI Safety.” The Super PAC, founded by Mark Beall, former co-founder and CEO of Gladstone AI, aims to run a national voter education campaign on AI policy and raise millions of dollars in support. This move comes shortly after the release of a bombshell report commissioned by the State Department, which outlines recommendations for addressing the national security risks posed by advanced AI.

The Gladstone AI report, covered by TIME, highlights the need for common sense safeguards to manage the potential catastrophic threats of AI. The report’s authors conducted extensive research, speaking with over 200 government employees, experts, and workers from frontier AI companies. However, some have criticized the report’s findings, questioning its scientific validity. Despite this, Beall and his co-authors remain committed to promoting AI safety and security.

The launch of the Super PAC on the same day as the Gladstone report raises eyebrows. While Beall emphasizes the bipartisan nature of the Super PAC, its co-founder Brendan Steinhauser has a history of working with conservative causes. Beall insists that the Super PAC aims to bring lawmakers from both sides of the aisle together to promote innovation and protect national security.

It is worth noting that the Super PAC and Gladstone AI operate independently from each other. Jeremie Harris, co-founder of Gladstone AI, clarifies that the timing of the Super PAC’s launch was not influenced by Gladstone. The State Department commissioned the Gladstone report as a neutral source of expert technical analysis, and Gladstone did not take any outside funding.

Beall sees the launch of the Super PAC as the beginning of the real work in AI policy. He aims to build a diverse coalition of funders who are invested in AI safety and security. While he believes that a majority of Americans are concerned about catastrophic risks posed by AI, it remains to be seen if this issue will resonate with potential funders.

In conclusion, the integration of money and politics in the field of AI safety has taken a significant step forward with the introduction of the Americans for AI Safety Super PAC. The launch of the Super PAC on the same day as the Gladstone report raises questions, but Beall remains focused on promoting AI safety and security through bipartisan efforts. The coming months will reveal if this new initiative can successfully navigate the complex landscape of AI policy.