Home Tech The Lotus Electra: A Modern Marvel on a 4,000-Mile Road Trip

The Lotus Electra: A Modern Marvel on a 4,000-Mile Road Trip

Exploring the Lotus Electra on a mammoth European road trip, the author sets out to answer the question of whether this modern electric SUV lives up to the legacy of Lotus cars of old. With thousands of miles ahead, the journey takes them from Edinburgh to Barcelona and back, encompassing various terrains and driving conditions.

The Lotus Electra, priced at around $130,000, impresses with its killer good looks, impressive range, and luxury touches. However, the author’s childhood fascination with Lotus cars of the past raises expectations. They recall the small and lightweight sports cars that Lotus was known for, contrasting with the spacious and tech-laden Electra. Owned by Chinese automotive giant Geely and built in China, the Electra represents a departure from the traditional Lotus ethos.

Setting off from Edinburgh with a full charge, the author quickly realizes that the real-world range falls short of the maximum quoted range. They don’t experience range anxiety but find themselves closely monitoring their range throughout the trip. Despite this, they appreciate the comfort and luxury of the Electra, which surprises them considering Lotus’ reputation for minimalist sports cars.

The author encounters challenges with charging infrastructure during their journey. While using Google Maps and the Shell Recharge app to plan their route and locate fast chargers, they face issues with non-functional chargers and ones that haven’t been activated yet. These incidents highlight the need for more reliable and accessible charging infrastructure to alleviate anxiety and doubts among electric vehicle drivers.

Navigating city centers proves to be a daunting task due to the Electra’s size and the close calls with smaller vehicles. However, once on the open road, the car’s performance shines through. The author enjoys using the autonomous driving features on long stretches of highway, appreciating the support it provides while still requiring their attention.

The journey continues through France, with intermittent stops at fast chargers and a detour to experience snowy conditions. Despite concerns about driving in heavy snow, the Electra handles well, further demonstrating its capabilities. The author also notes minor issues with the Lidar system for autonomous driving and occasional crashes of the sat-nav system.

As the journey nears its end, the author reflects on their time with the Electra. They express admiration for its balance between luxury and performance, as well as its striking design. While there were some minor quirks that should have been addressed before release, the author finds a certain charm in them, reminiscent of Lotus’ reputation for leaving things a little unfinished.

In conclusion, after over 3,000 miles of driving, the author confesses to falling in love with the Lotus Electra. It surpasses their childhood dreams of Lotus cars and proves to be a pleasure to drive. With its long range and fast charging capabilities, it excels as a long-distance cruiser. The Electra represents the Lotus of today, better than the Lotus of the author’s childhood dreams.

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