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The Most and Least Popular Car Names for Babies

Exploring Car Names for Newborns: Trends and Unusual Choices

Choosing a name for a newborn is both exciting and challenging for parents. They seek names that will reflect their hopes, dreams, and personal preferences. Some even turn to unconventional sources for inspiration, leading them to consider names associated with cars. Scrap Car Comparison recently dug into data from the American Social Security Administration and the U.K.’s Office of National Statistics to find the most and least popular car-related names given to babies. While naming children after cars may seem unusual, it’s interesting to see the choices parents have made.

Most Popular Car Names for Boys

Topping the list of most popular car-inspired names for boys is Hudson, a name associated with the now-defunct Hudson Motor Co. However, it’s worth noting that this car company ceased operations in 1954, so it’s unlikely that parents today are naming their children after a car brand they may not remember. Maverick follows closely behind, likely influenced by the blockbuster Tom Cruise movie rather than a pickup truck. Cooper, originally a surname for wheel-making tradesmen long before cars existed, also makes the list. Lincoln, possibly named after the renowned historical figure, and Leon, meaning lion in Spanish and also the name of a car model by SEAT, round out the top choices.

Most Popular Car Names for Girls

For girls, the most popular car-related name is Nova. While it may remind some of a 1960s economy car, Nova is also associated with a dazzling interstellar event. Genesis, the name of both a luxury Korean car brand and the first book of the Bible, takes the second spot. Octavia, Elise, Liana, Legacy, Ariya, Cheyenne, Alba, and Mercedes complete the list.

Least Popular Car Names for Boys and Girls

The least popular car names for boys include Avanti, Ferrari, Kia, Pilot, Veyron, Edge, McLaren, Triumph, Audi, and Odyssey. Avanti, which means “after you” in Italian, was the name of a peculiar car model, though it’s unclear why parents might choose this name for their child. Wraith, another unconventional choice associated with ghostly apparitions, also appears on the list.

Among girls, the least popular car-related names include Ibiza, Dacia, Leon, Nash, Zafira, Aston, Hemi, Maxima, Evora, and Dawn. Interestingly, Hemi, which has typically been associated with powerful car engines, could have made for a good boy’s name.

Personal Connections and Unique Naming Choices

While some parents may have intentionally named their children after cars, it’s important to consider that not all of these names are direct references to car brands. Some car companies no longer exist or are not well-known among younger generations. For example, Hudson and Tucker were popular names for boys but are unlikely to be chosen solely because of their associations with long-gone automobile manufacturers.

Parents often draw inspiration from multiple sources when naming their children. Some may admire the qualities associated with certain car brands or choose a name based on its meaning or historical significance. It is up to each family to decide what resonates with them when selecting a name for their child.

The Power of Naming

Naming a child is a deeply personal decision that reflects the hopes and aspirations of parents. While it might be tempting to follow trends or draw inspiration from unconventional sources like car names, it is essential to consider the long-term implications. Unique names can be meaningful and memorable but may also invite curiosity and require explanations throughout a child’s life.

In the end, the most important thing is for parents to choose a name that resonates with them and holds significance for their family. Whether it’s a popular car-related name or a completely unique choice, the key is to give their child a name that will inspire and empower them as they embark on their journey through life.

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