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The Next Generation of Game Developers: Why Your Portfolio Matters More Than Your GPA

The next generation of game developers face numerous challenges as they enter the industry. Jim Huntley, an associate professor at the University of Southern California and teacher at its USC Games program, shed light on these challenges and discussed how the education system can support aspiring developers during a fireside chat at GamesBeat Summit 2024.

Huntley didn’t shy away from describing the current state of the games industry as “horrible.” Layoffs have been rampant, but entry-level positions still exist. To navigate this landscape, Huntley emphasized the importance of education programs like USC Games. These programs provide a pathway for young developers to enter the industry.

When discussing the kind of student who thrives in the USC Games program, Huntley noted that successful students aren’t just avid gamers. They must possess a well-rounded perspective and knowledge of various subjects outside of games. This ensures that they can bring unique insights and ideas to their work.

An audience member asked about the pitching process at USC Games, and Huntley explained that it helps students develop essential skills like pitching, collaboration, and completing a game. However, he emphasized that it can’t foster a genuine love for game creation. Huntley highlighted that teachers and employers find students with a GPA of 3.5 and a portfolio of game work more appealing than those with a perfect GPA but no practical experience.

Overall, Huntley’s insights shed light on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the next generation of game developers. By focusing on both education and practical experience, aspiring developers can increase their chances of success in this ever-evolving industry.

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