
The Potential of AI to Trigger a Renaissance in the Humanities

blankIn a world driven by advancements in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), the humanities have seen a decline in recent years. However, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) could actually make the humanities more important than ever before. While STEM disciplines have undoubtedly contributed to human progress, there are certain areas that only the humanities can address. The potential of AI to trigger a renaissance in the humanities is not just about finding answers to philosophical questions but also about understanding and connecting with one another in a diverse world.

One important aspect of the humanities that AI cannot replace is language and culture. The linguistic relativity postulated by the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that isolating ourselves in cultural bubbles is a possibility if we rely solely on AI translation services. It is crucial for individuals to learn each other’s languages and cultures in order to truly understand and connect with one another. By approaching everything through a narrow lens, such as American Standard English, we risk cultural deforestation and an inability to communicate effectively.

To drive the humanities forward in an AI world, certain disciplines within the humanities must play a key role. The branch of philosophy focused on ethics is essential in guiding the applications of technology and determining what should be done, rather than just what can be done. The logic branch of philosophy ensures that rational arguments are formulated instead of relying on ideology or dogma. Psychology and sociology help us understand the impact of technology on society, especially as it continues to advance at an unprecedented rate. Literature and art explore the ineffable and communicate more than what can be expressed literally. History and archival sciences analyze past mistakes and help us learn from them.

The future of critical thinking lies in the hands of both humanists and technologists. As corporations attempt to pass off data-scraping statistical models as AI genies, it is the humanists who can truly lead the way in critical thinking. Artists and technologists alike can contribute to a renaissance of the arts, providing a common framework to interpret our ever-changing world. This renaissance is not just for our collective good but also for those seeking meaning and a post-post-modern mythology.

While STEM disciplines have undoubtedly played a significant role in human progress, the rise of AI does not mean the end of the humanities. In fact, AI has the potential to trigger a renaissance in the humanities by emphasizing the importance of language, culture, ethics, logic, psychology, sociology, literature, art, and history. By recognizing the value of the humanities in an AI-driven world, we can ensure the continued progress and well-being of our species.