
The Rise of AI Tutors: How ChatGPT and Language Models are Transforming Education

The rise of AI tutors is revolutionizing the education landscape, providing students with affordable and personalized assistance. Apps like Answer AI are utilizing advanced language models to help students with a wide range of academic tasks. These AI agents are quickly gaining popularity, with five of the top 20 education apps in the U.S. App Store being AI tutors.

One of the key advantages of AI tutors is their affordability. Traditional tutoring services can be costly, with private tutors charging up to $60 per hour. In comparison, the cost of an AI tutor subscription is significantly lower, making after-school tutoring more accessible to students from all backgrounds. This affordability is especially beneficial for students in academically competitive regions, where tutoring services can be three times as expensive.

AI tutors also offer personalized teaching that is often lacking in crowded classrooms. They can remember a student’s learning habits and provide consistent support without ever getting tired or frustrated. The effectiveness of AI tutors is evident in the improvement of students’ grades, as reported by Myhanh, a high school junior who saw her math grades rise from 85 to 95 within six months of using generative AI for studying.

While AI tutors are currently limited to text-based interactions, advancements in technology are enabling them to communicate with students using voice responses tailored to individual learning styles. OpenAI’s GPT-4o has already demonstrated the potential for AI assistants to generate voice responses in various emotive styles, enhancing the learning experience further.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that AI tutors are not without their limitations. Like any technology, they can make mistakes and provide incorrect answers. Answer AI, for example, is continuously working on improving its accuracy through methods like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Students who use AI tutors are aware of these limitations and often cross-check answers or use them as a tool for collaborative learning in study groups.

Educators are grappling with how to integrate AI into the education system effectively. Some school districts have banned access to AI tutors on school devices, but enforcing a complete ban becomes challenging outside of school premises. Instead, it may be more effective to educate students about the role of AI as an imperfect assistant that sometimes makes mistakes. AI tutors can be particularly useful in detecting essays generated by AI, making it harder for students to cheat on humanities assignments that require original thinking and expression.

Interestingly, the two most popular AI tutors in the U.S. are Chinese-owned. Question AI and Gauth, both owned by Chinese companies, have gained significant traction in the American market. This success can be attributed to the concerted effort of Chinese homework app providers to target international markets, particularly the U.S. These apps leverage AI technology to overcome language and cultural barriers and provide a responsive and accurate learning experience for users.

As more AI tutors enter the market, differentiation becomes crucial. While many apps rely on similar foundational AI technologies, they must find alternative ways to stand out. Personalization features and proactive engagement with students are some ways in which AI tutors can enhance their effectiveness. By encouraging follow-up questions and deeper learning, these apps go beyond providing simple answers and promote a more comprehensive understanding of the material.

In conclusion, AI tutors are reshaping the education landscape by making after-school tutoring more affordable and personalized. While they have their limitations, they offer significant benefits to students, particularly when used as a learning aid rather than a replacement for traditional education. The success of Chinese-owned AI tutors in the American market highlights the global potential of these apps, driven by advancements in AI technology and a focus on user personalization.