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The Rise of EV Charging Station Cable Theft and Its Impact on the Adoption of Electric Vehicles

Title: Rising Copper Prices Lead to Surge in EV Charging Cable Thefts

Threat to EV Charging Stations

Thieves across the United States have been targeting electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, stealing their copper wiring. This alarming trend has become a major problem for automakers and EV owners alike, as it disrupts the availability of charging infrastructure. The stolen cables often disable entire stations, rendering them unusable for EV owners who rely on them to recharge their vehicles. The predicament faced by EV owners searching for a working charger not only causes frustration but also reinforces public anxiety about the scarcity of charging stations.

Impact on Automakers’ Transition to EVs

The thefts present a significant challenge to automakers’ efforts to transition consumers away from traditional combustion engines and toward EVs. As major automakers like Stellantis, Ford, and General Motors invest billions of dollars in electrification, they rely on a robust charging infrastructure to reassure potential buyers. However, concerns about the availability and functionality of charging stations can deter skeptical customers from making the switch.

The Growing Trend of Cable Thefts

The theft of charging cables has increased dramatically in recent years. Electrify America, one of the largest charging network operators, reported that cable thefts at its stations have risen from six incidents every six months two years ago to 129 cases through May this year. Similarly, other leading EV charging companies, such as Flo and EVgo, have also reported a surge in thefts.

Wide-Spread Nature of the Problem

Charging stations in various locations across the country have been targeted by thieves. Seattle has witnessed a particularly high number of incidents, with multiple stations suffering multiple cable thefts. However, the issue is not confined to urban areas; even rural locations like Sumner, Washington, have experienced cable thefts. Theft reports have also emerged from other states, including Nevada, California, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

Consequences for EV Owners

The impact on EV owners cannot be understated. In addition to the inconvenience caused by broken charging stations, the fear of being stranded without a charge is a genuine concern. One EV owner expressed worry about running out of battery power and being unable to reach another functioning charger, potentially even requiring a tow truck. These anxieties contribute to the hesitancy of potential buyers when considering EV adoption.

The Drive Behind Cable Thefts: Rising Copper Prices

The primary motivation behind these thefts is the soaring price of copper on global markets. Copper is a vital component of charging cables and other electrical systems in EVs. As efforts to cut carbon emissions intensify, the demand for EVs, which rely heavily on copper wiring, has increased significantly. This surge in demand has driven the price of copper to record highs, making stolen cables an attractive target for criminals.

Challenges for Charging Companies

While thieves may not make substantial profits from selling stolen cables, replacing them poses a significant financial burden on charging companies. The cost of replacing a single cable can reach up to $1,000. To combat the thefts, charging companies are implementing security measures such as increased surveillance cameras and collaborating with law enforcement agencies to identify stolen materials at scrap yards.

Addressing the Issue

To mitigate further incidents and protect charging station infrastructure, the Recycled Materials Association is issuing scrap-theft alerts to its members. Meanwhile, law enforcement agencies are actively investigating these thefts and pursuing leads to apprehend the criminals involved.


The rise in EV charging cable thefts poses a significant challenge for automakers and stakeholders in the electric mobility industry. The need for a reliable and accessible charging infrastructure is crucial in ensuring the widespread adoption of EVs. Addressing this issue requires a multi-pronged approach that combines increased security measures at charging stations, collaboration between charging companies and law enforcement, and public awareness campaigns highlighting the importance of a functional and secure charging network. Only by effectively combating cable thefts can the industry instill confidence in potential EV buyers and accelerate the transition to a greener transportation future.

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