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The Rise of Web Shops: 81% of Mobile Gamers are Aware of Alternatives to Apple and Google App Stores

The growing popularity of web shops as an alternative to traditional app stores is evident, according to a survey conducted by San Francisco-based company Sanlo. The survey found that 81% of mobile gamers are aware of web shops, with 77% of those surveyed having made purchases through them. This indicates a shift in preference among players, as 25% now prefer purchasing via web shops. The appeal of web shops lies in the exclusive deals and better offers they can provide, as well as the ability for game developers to avoid the 30% commission fees charged by Apple and Google.

The survey also highlights the importance of user experience in driving repeat purchases through web shops. A significant 90% of web shop purchasers expressed a high likelihood of making repeat purchases. This indicates that developers should implement strategies such as loyalty programs, special offers, and free gifts to encourage continued engagement. Building trust with consumers is also crucial, as 18% of players did not make a purchase from a web shop due to uncertainty about its validity, and 10% were deterred by a difficult user experience.

To increase awareness and traffic to web shops, Sanlo recommends using in-game promotions and social media, while avoiding clickable hyperlinks in games to avoid platform fees. Apple, for example, charges a 27% fee on transactions where players leave its store and go to a web shop. However, the report suggests that European Union regulators may intervene and shut down this fee.

The report also addresses the challenges faced by web shops, including security concerns and payment issues. Developers are advised to implement trusted payment methods and secure checkout processes to build player confidence. By doing so, web shops can create a deeper connection between gaming companies and players, allowing for exclusive and personalized offers that can increase revenue.

The survey’s findings indicate a movement towards web shops, with 26 of the top 100 game companies on app stores already using alternative web shops. This trend is expected to continue, as web shops provide game developers with more freedom and flexibility in developing relationships with players and personalizing their experiences. In conclusion, the survey provides actionable insights for developers to better connect with their players and optimize revenue through web shops.

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