
The Science Behind How Video Games Can Treat Stress and Hypertension, According to DeepWell

## The Power of Video Games in Treating Stress: DeepWell’s Breakthrough

### Video Games: A Scientifically Backed Solution for Stress Relief

Have you ever wondered why playing a video game can leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated? According to DeepWell DTx, a leading developer of therapeutic games, there’s a scientific explanation behind this phenomenon. In fact, DeepWell has recently received FDA clearance, substantiating its claim that video games can effectively treat stress. This groundbreaking development opens up new possibilities for using gaming as a tool for mental health treatment and self-care.

### FDA Clearance for DeepWell’s Biofeedback Software Development Kit

DeepWell’s biofeedback software development kit has been granted FDA approval for over-the-counter use. This means that patients can now use DeepWell’s games as a supplementary treatment for stress or hypertension. As Medicare considers the benefits of reimbursing doctors for digital therapy software, DeepWell’s games could potentially become eligible for reimbursement. This recognition from medical regulators reflects the growing need for unconventional solutions to tackle the escalating rates of anxiety and depression in the U.S.

### Broadening the Scope: Consumer Products as Medical Devices

The FDA’s approval of consumer products as medical devices is not limited to video games. Apple’s AirPods Pro, for example, have recently received FDA clearance to serve as hearing aids, making them the first over-the-counter hearing aid software device. Similarly, products like the Garmin watch and certain Apple Watch apps have been approved to monitor conditions such as atrial fibrillation and Parkinson’s disease. This shift towards unconventional sources for medical solutions highlights the urgency of addressing the mental health crisis and the resource constraints we face.

### DeepWell’s Toolkit: Connecting Media to Reimbursement

Ryan Douglas, co-founder of DeepWell, emphasizes that the FDA clearance of their toolkit is a significant step towards connecting media creators to the reimbursement stream for digital mental health. With over 20 years of experience in designing therapeutic hardware and software, Douglas understands the pressing need for innovative solutions. He believes that DeepWell’s toolkit enables media creators to bridge the gap between entertainment and mental health treatment, providing a valuable resource for those in need.

### Supplementing Talk Therapy with Gaming

DeepWell doesn’t recommend replacing talk therapy with their products but rather using them as a supplement. The results they’ve observed have been remarkable, with their games proving to be up to four times more effective than talk therapy or medication alone. However, when combined with talk therapy, the results have been truly transformative. DeepWell’s approach emphasizes the integration of gaming into a comprehensive mental health treatment plan, harnessing the unique benefits that gaming can offer.

### The Therapeutic Potential of Gaming: A Virtual Reality Example

DeepWell’s virtual reality game, Zengence, serves as a proof of concept for the therapeutic potential of gaming. This “mental health action shooter” utilizes the Meta Quest headset to sense the player’s breath. By maintaining a consistent breathing pattern, players can improve their ability to defeat enemies in the game. Zengence demonstrates that therapeutic mechanics don’t need to be overt to be effective. Even popular games like Super Mario or Animal Crossing can have positive effects on mental well-being.

### Moderation is Key: The Optimal Gaming “Dose”

As with any activity, moderation is crucial when it comes to gaming. DeepWell recommends playing games for 15 minutes, three times a week—the “dose” that received FDA clearance. This level of engagement has been shown to yield noticeable benefits for mental health. It’s important to strike a balance between enjoying gaming and maintaining physical and mental well-being. Gaming in moderation can provide a temporary respite from negative thoughts and feelings, offering a much-needed break from the stresses of everyday life.

### The Science Behind Gaming’s Impact on Stress

Playing attention-captivating games like Tetris can offer more than just a temporary distraction. When engrossed in a game, our limbic system—the part of the brain responsible for reacting to stress—becomes more receptive to learning new coping mechanisms. By practicing stress management in the context of a game, we can transfer those skills to real-life situations. Over time, gaming can reshape our responses to stressors, helping us develop healthier coping strategies.

### Broadening the Horizon: Treating More Conditions in the Future

While DeepWell’s current focus lies in treating stress and hypertension, Ryan Douglas envisions a future where this technology can address a range of conditions. From PTSD and epilepsy to sleep disorders and memory disorders, the potential applications are vast. DeepWell’s work with digital media sets the stage for exploring similar principles through other forms of entertainment. Whether it’s attending a concert or watching a movie, these stimuli have the power to shift our thinking and overcome hurdles that may have seemed insurmountable without that immersive experience.

In conclusion, the FDA clearance of DeepWell’s biofeedback software development kit marks a significant milestone in recognizing the therapeutic potential of video games. As mental health continues to be a pressing concern, innovative solutions like gaming offer a unique and accessible avenue for treatment. By supplementing traditional therapies and harnessing the power of play, DeepWell is paving the way for a new era of mental health care. So, the next time you find yourself reaching for a video game, remember that you’re not just having fun—you’re partaking in an activity that can truly make a positive impact on your well-being.