
The Truth About Facebook and Instagram Posts Used to Train AI Models at Meta

How Meta Uses Facebook and Instagram Posts to Train AI Models

In a recent inquiry with Australian lawmakers, Meta’s global privacy director, Melinda Claybaugh, confirmed that user content from Facebook and Instagram is being used to train AI models. While this may not come as a surprise, it raises questions about the extent of data usage and the implications for user privacy.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has previously announced its intention to utilize user content and data for AI training purposes. However, Claybaugh’s acknowledgment sheds light on the scale of this data collection. According to Greens senator David Shoebridge, Meta has decided to scrape all photos and texts from public posts on both platforms dating back to 2007, unless users specifically set them to private.

This revelation has sparked concerns about the privacy of user data and the implications of its usage. Users may wonder what exactly is being scraped and what is being excluded. Additionally, it is important to understand how this data collection varies depending on geographical location.

The Scope of Data Collection

Meta’s decision to scrape user content from Facebook and Instagram raises questions about the extent of this data collection. It is crucial to understand what is being included in this process and what is being excluded.

While specific details regarding the exact content being scraped remain undisclosed, it is safe to assume that a wide range of user-generated content is being collected. This includes photos, videos, text-based posts, and other forms of user engagement. The scale of this operation is vast, encompassing public posts from as far back as 2007.

Privacy Concerns and User Consent

The use of user data for AI training purposes raises important concerns surrounding privacy and user consent. Many users may be unaware that their posts and photos from over a decade ago are being utilized to train AI models.

Transparency and user consent are key factors in maintaining a trustworthy relationship between social media platforms and their users. While Meta has provided options for users to set their posts to private, the default setting is often public. As a result, users may unintentionally contribute to this data collection without fully understanding the implications.

Geographical Variations in Data Usage

Another significant aspect to consider is how the extent of data usage may differ depending on geographical location. Different regions have varying regulations and restrictions when it comes to data privacy.

For example, the inquiry with Australian lawmakers highlights the concerns raised in that specific region. It is crucial to evaluate how Meta’s data collection practices align with the legal and regulatory frameworks of each country or region it operates in. Understanding these variations can provide valuable insights into the company’s approach to data privacy and compliance.


Meta’s use of user content from Facebook and Instagram to train AI models has come under scrutiny. While the company has acknowledged the extent of this data collection, concerns about privacy and user consent remain.

As users, it is essential to be aware of how our data is being used and to have control over its usage. Social media platforms must prioritize transparency and user consent to maintain trust. Additionally, understanding the geographical variations in data usage can shed light on Meta’s compliance with regional privacy regulations.

Moving forward, it is crucial for companies like Meta to strike a balance between utilizing user data for AI advancements and respecting user privacy. Open discussions, clear policies, and user-friendly privacy settings can contribute to a more informed and empowered user base.