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The U.K. Officially Approves Regulations for Self-Driving Cars, Paving the Way for Future Adoption by 2026

U.K.’s Landmark Legislation for Self-Driving Cars Receives Royal Assent

The U.K. has solidified its position as a global leader in the autonomous vehicle industry with the official approval of the Automated Vehicles (AV) Act. This legislation, which has received royal assent, paves the way for fully self-driving vehicles to hit British roads within the next two years. Transport Secretary Mark Harper expressed his enthusiasm for the new regulations, stating that they will not restrict individuals from driving themselves but rather provide a boost to safety and the economy.

The need for this new legal framework became apparent as the autonomous vehicle industry evolved and moved towards mainstream adoption. The initial groundwork for the AV Act was laid out in a 2022 joint report by the Law Commissions of England, Wales, and Scotland. This report emphasized the profound legal consequences of introducing automated vehicles and recommended primary legislation to regulate their use on public roads.

One of the key aspects addressed by the U.K.’s new regulation is liability in the event of a self-driving car accident. Recognizing that crashes can still occur despite the potential safety benefits of autonomous vehicles, the U.K. clarified that corporations will bear responsibility for any mishaps. Under the new legislation, human drivers will not be liable for incidents that occur while the vehicle is in control of driving. Each approved self-driving vehicle will be associated with an “Authorised Self-Driving Entity,” typically the manufacturer but potentially the software developer or insurance company. This entity will be responsible for the vehicle when it is in self-driving mode.

To ensure the safety of autonomous vehicles operating under these regulations, the government plans to establish a vehicle approval system supported by an independent incident investigation function. Companies approved to operate under the new regulations will have ongoing obligations to ensure their vehicles are safe.

The U.K.’s commitment to positioning itself at the forefront of the autonomous vehicle revolution is further exemplified by recent investments. Wayve, a U.K.-based company, secured over $1 billion in funding from prominent firms such as SoftBank, Nvidia, and Microsoft to continue developing a self-learning software system for autonomous vehicles. This influx of capital highlights the confidence in the U.K.’s capabilities and reinforces its reputation as a hub for innovation in the field of autonomous driving.

While the U.S., particularly California, has also been active in proposing regulations for autonomous vehicles, the U.K.’s comprehensive approach to liability and safety sets it apart. By holding corporations accountable and establishing a robust approval system, the U.K. is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring the safe integration of self-driving cars on its roads.

With the AV Act now enshrined in law, the U.K. is poised to witness significant advancements in autonomous vehicle technology. The prospect of fully self-driving vehicles on British roads within the next two years not only represents a major milestone for the country but also reinforces its status as a global leader in the autonomous vehicle industry.

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