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The Wild West of Space: HBO Documentary Explores the Rise of Rocket Makers Astra, Rocket Lab, and Earth Observation Company Planet Labs

**The Early Days of the New Space Race**

The HBO documentary “Wild Wild Space” directed by Ross Kauffman takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the early days of the new space race. The film focuses on three companies: Rocket Lab, Astra, and Planet Labs. Despite not having the same level of name recognition as SpaceX, these companies have collectively raised over a billion dollars and are led by founders who embody the different types of people attracted to the risks and thrills of NewSpace.

**The Archetypes of NewSpace**

Each company has its own unique story and founder archetype. Planet Labs represents the NASA-to-startup founder story that has become more common in the space industry. Rocket Lab, on the other hand, is the brainchild of a New Zealand nobody-cum-genius who defied the odds to achieve success. Finally, Astra embodies the smooth-talking, slick confidence of Silicon Valley. While there is some overlap between the narratives, with Chris Kemp (Astra CEO) and Will Marshall (Planet CEO) having met in college, the companies quickly diverge in terms of success. Rocket Lab and Planet soar to new heights while Astra faces repeated setbacks.

**Astra’s Charisma and Setbacks**

The documentary highlights Astra’s struggles and setbacks, but also emphasizes what they lack in technology, they make up for in charisma, primarily through Chris Kemp. Kemp is seen skillfully massaging bad news to investors and the public, showcasing his ability to remain confident even in the face of failures like the explosion of Rocket 2 in 2018. Despite the setback, Kemp describes the mission as “a really beautiful flight,” demonstrating his persuasive nature.

**Rivalry and Different Approaches**

One of the most enjoyable aspects for space enthusiasts is the rivalry between Rocket Lab’s Peter Beck and Astra’s Chris Kemp. They start off as rivals with contrasting ideas on how to build a successful company. Beck is particularly critical of Astra’s ambition to build ultra-cheap rockets at scale, describing it as “How cheap and crappy can we make a rocket?” This clash of personalities adds an exciting dynamic to the documentary.

**Implications of the New Business Model**

Beyond the individual narratives, the film raises larger questions about the new business model for space. With private companies like Rocket Lab, Astra, and Planet owning and operating rockets and space assets, the implications for privacy and national security come into play. Planet’s altruistic motives are called into question as the film explores whether widespread commercialized availability of Earth observation (EO) data is truly beneficial for national security. The Russian invasion of Ukraine serves as a real-life example, with Planet co-founder Robbie Schingler describing it as an “all hands on deck” situation for the company.

**The Shift in Power**

The documentary highlights the shifting center of power from governments to entrepreneurs in space. SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet service becomes crucial during the conflict in Ukraine, with Ukrainian troops relying on its connectivity after ground infrastructure is destroyed. The film aims to drive home the consequences of these new personalities controlling access to space and space infrastructure, signaling a new era where eccentric billionaires play a significant role.


“Wild Wild Space” provides an engaging and insightful look into the early days of the new space race, focusing on Rocket Lab, Astra, and Planet Labs. The film showcases the unique stories and personalities behind these companies, highlighting their successes, setbacks, and rivalries. It also raises important questions about the implications of the new business model for space and the shifting balance of power from governments to entrepreneurs. Overall, the documentary presents a captivating exploration of the modern-day space industry, with its audacious founders taking on the challenges of the Wild West of space.

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