Home Business U.S. Maintains Top Spot in Global App Advertising Market, According to Mintegral...

U.S. Maintains Top Spot in Global App Advertising Market, According to Mintegral Report

**The Rise of the U.S. as the Global Leader in App Advertising**

According to a recent report by Mintegral, the United States has solidified its position as the top global market for app advertisers. Despite facing intense competition, game ad spending in the U.S. increased by 0.46% year-over-year. This growth highlights the country’s dominance in the industry.

**Insight:** The U.S. gaming market continues to be a powerhouse, attracting advertisers from around the world. This report emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances of this dynamic landscape to maximize return on investment (ROI).

**Video Ads Reign Supreme in the Casual Gaming Industry**

The Mintegral report revealed that video ads are the most effective format across all game genres. In particular, match-3 games have seen a significant adoption of video ads due to their effectiveness in driving player engagement.

**Insight:** Advertisers should take note of the effectiveness of video ads in the casual gaming industry. By leveraging this format, they can effectively engage with players and maximize their advertising impact.

**Shift in Advertising Strategy towards Sustained Campaigns**

Mintegral’s report also highlighted a shift in strategic investments in advertising. Sports games, among other genres, saw significantly longer campaign durations. This indicates a move towards sustained advertising over experimentation.

**Insight:** Advertisers are recognizing the importance of long-term advertising campaigns to build brand awareness and maintain player engagement. This shift in strategy reflects a deeper understanding of the industry’s dynamics and the need for a more strategic approach to advertising.

**The Value of Insights for Advertisers**

Jeff Sue, the general manager for the U.S. at Mintegral, emphasized the value of understanding the nuances of the gaming industry. Mintegral’s report provides valuable insights into where and how advertisers should allocate their ad budgets for optimal results.

**Insight:** Advertisers looking to maximize their ROI should rely on data-driven insights to make informed decisions about their advertising strategies. Mintegral’s report offers valuable guidance on ad budget allocation and helps advertisers navigate the complex gaming landscape.


The Mintegral “State of Media Buying” report sheds light on the current trends and dynamics of the casual gaming industry. It highlights the dominance of the U.S. as the top global market for app advertisers and emphasizes the effectiveness of video ads in engaging players. The report also underlines the importance of sustained advertising campaigns and provides valuable insights for advertisers to optimize their ad budgets. By leveraging these insights, advertisers can stay ahead of the competition and maximize their ROI in the ever-evolving gaming industry.

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