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United Nations Launches Global Road Safety Campaign in the United States to Save Lives and Raise Awareness

United Nations Launches Global Road Safety Campaign in the United States

The United Nations has recently kicked off its global road safety campaign in the United States, with the ambitious goal of reducing the number of road-related victims worldwide by 50% by 2030. This two-year advertising campaign aims to educate people on simple yet life-saving safety measures such as wearing seatbelts, helmets, and avoiding distractions while driving, such as using mobile phones. Jean Todt, the U.N. Special Envoy for Road Safety, emphasized the importance of raising awareness to save lives during a news conference announcing the U.S. campaign.

The advertisements will be displayed on JCDecaux billboards in more than 80 countries and 1,000 cities, including major cities like New York City, Chicago, and Boston starting from Monday. Jean-Luc Decaux, president and co-CEO of JCDecaux North America, stated that this campaign underscores how the media’s reach can make a significant impact in promoting international road safety.

#MakeASafetyStatement Campaign: Part of the U.N. New Decade of Action for Road Safety

The #MakeASafetyStatement campaign is an integral part of the U.N.’s New Decade of Action for Road Safety, which was launched in 2021. According to the United Nations, over 1 million people die annually in road-related fatalities, with more than 90% of these fatalities occurring in developing countries. Unfortunately, the situation is worsening in some regions, such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Jean Todt emphasized the need for collaboration between governments and the private sector to address this “silent pandemic.”

Road Safety Challenges in the United States: A Preventable Crisis

In the United States, road crashes are identified as the second-leading cause of accidental deaths after firearms, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). However, many of these deaths are preventable. The WHO estimates that the fatality rate in the U.S. is more than double that of Europe. This alarming statistic highlights the urgent need for improved road safety measures and awareness campaigns in the country.

Vision Zero Program in New York City: A Model for Success

In 2014, New York City took a significant step towards improving road safety by launching the Vision Zero program. The city’s Commissioner for International Affairs, Edward Mermelstein, explained that this initiative aimed to reduce deaths and serious injuries on the road. As part of Vision Zero, the city has invested in building hundreds of miles of bike lanes, installing automated speed cameras, and establishing school speed zones. These efforts have yielded positive results, with a 12% decrease in traffic deaths and a remarkable 45% decrease in pedestrian deaths from 2013 to 2023. However, despite these achievements, road dangers still persist.

Collaboration with International Partners: A Strong Foundation for Global Road Safety

The JCDecaux campaign, which initially launched in Brussels, Belgium, in September, has expanded its reach to Mongolia and South Africa. Featuring 14 international celebrities, including U.N. Development Program goodwill ambassador Michelle Yeoh, tennis player Novak Djokovic, and singer Kylie Minogue, these road safety advertisements have been successful in grabbing attention and spreading awareness. Jean-Luc Decaux expressed his company’s commitment to road safety beyond the two-year campaign, suggesting that their partnership with the U.N. may continue in the future.


The United Nations’ global road safety campaign is a vital step towards addressing one of the most pressing global challenges. By raising awareness about basic safety measures and encouraging responsible behavior on the roads, this campaign aims to save countless lives. The collaboration between the U.N., JCDecaux, and international partners demonstrates the importance of collective efforts in tackling road safety issues. Governments, private sectors, and individuals must work together in fostering a culture of road safety to create a future where road-related fatalities are significantly reduced.

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