
Unleashing the Power of AI: Profound Helps Brands Navigate the Changing Landscape of Search

The landscape of search is evolving, and brands need to adapt their SEO strategies accordingly. In response to this shift, Profound, a New York-based startup, has launched a platform to help brands better understand how they appear in AI searches. By tracking common search queries for brands, Profound provides valuable insights into how consumers find information about products and brands through AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Claude.

The founders of Profound, James Cadwallader and Dylan Babbs, were inspired to create the platform after becoming fascinated with how AI was changing online search. Cadwallader’s previous experience working with Fortune 500 brands at Kyra, a data-driven influencer marketing agency, provided the impetus for the idea behind Profound. He realized that in the new world of AI answers, brands like Nike needed to understand and control how they show up in search results. With millions of people using AI answers to research products and brands, it has become essential for businesses to optimize their visibility in this new landscape.

Profound’s platform is dynamic, allowing brands to track changes in AI search rankings and make necessary adjustments. It provides real-time data on how search results change based on demographic data and even how AI systems rank the trustworthiness of websites discussing specific products. This level of granular information empowers brands to optimize their online presence for AI searches effectively.

The startup is still in its early stages but has already secured contracts with a large branding agency and two other clients. With $3.5 million in seed funding from investors like Keith Rabois and Khosla Ventures, Profound plans to use the capital to expand its team and further develop its technology.

Ben Braverman, a co-founder and managing partner at Saga, a venture capital firm, was drawn to Profound because he recognized the importance of AI search in the future. He believes that Profound is building a competitive advantage by serving brands in a way that prevents them from wanting to develop similar in-house technology. However, Braverman acknowledges that Profound is not the only company addressing this need, as other SEO firms, marketing agencies, and startups will inevitably enter the market.

Cadwallader envisions Profound becoming the go-to solution for every company across industries that wants to understand how they appear in AI answers. As AI search continues to gain prominence, the demand for tools and insights like those offered by Profound will only increase.

In conclusion, as search evolves with the rise of AI chatbots, brands must adapt their SEO strategies to remain visible. Profound’s platform empowers brands to understand and optimize their appearance in AI searches, giving them a competitive edge in this new landscape. With its dynamic approach and real-time data, Profound is well-positioned to lead the way in helping brands navigate the changing world of search.