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Unlocking the Power of Conversational Data: Recall Raises $10M to Mobilize AI for Enterprises

Mobilizing Conversational Data for AI: The Rise of Recall

In today’s fast-paced business environment, enterprises are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to gain a competitive edge. One of the key challenges they face is harnessing the power of conversations as a valuable data source. While many teams successfully combine large language models (LLMs) with internal business data, they often overlook the wealth of information contained in daily conversations. However, a startup called Recall aims to change that.

Recall recently announced that it has secured $10 million in funding from Ridge Ventures, Industry Ventures, Y Combinator, and other investors. This capital will be used to develop a unified API for different platforms and expand the team as the company enters its next phase of growth. Over the past year alone, Recall has grown an impressive tenfold, highlighting the demand for its services.

According to Recall’s co-founder, David Gu, conversations are the world’s largest dataset. By unlocking this data and making it easily accessible, large language models can provide valuable insights for businesses across various industries. Gu believes that every SaaS company should be utilizing conversations as a data source, and Recall’s unified API makes it possible to do so effortlessly.

In today’s remote work environment, teams engage in countless hours of meetings through video conferencing platforms like Google Meet and Zoom. These interactions hold a wealth of intelligence that can benefit various aspects of business operations, including sales, marketing, and technology. However, this conversational data often gets locked in silos within each platform. To access this data at scale, teams typically have to invest significant time and resources into building in-house infrastructure and integrations.

Recall recognized this challenge and shifted its focus from transcribing video meetings to developing a unified API that integrates with all video conferencing platforms. This API allows organizations to extract conversational data from various platforms without the need for dedicated infrastructure. It covers popular tools such as Google Meet and Zoom, streamlining the process of accessing and analyzing meetings’ data.

With Recall’s API, users can make a single API call to retrieve data from meetings, including recordings, transcripts, and metadata. This data can then be used to feed into large language models like GPT-4 for summarization and further analysis. The API can also be utilized to build applications, such as meeting copilots and bots, that ingest and analyze data from video conferences.

One of the key advantages of Recall’s API is its ease of implementation. It only takes a few days to ingest data and start powering downstream applications. Additionally, Recall strictly adheres to data policies by storing audio and video recordings for a maximum of seven days before automatically deleting them. Users also have the option to delete the data immediately if they wish to minimize its storage duration.

Since its launch, Recall has already onboarded over 300 companies from various industries. These companies have leveraged millions of hours of meeting data to power downstream AI applications. Use cases include live note-taking during telehealth sessions, analyzing virtual depositions, and providing sellers with live guidance during sales calls.

Recall’s technology offers significant benefits for businesses. CTOs can free up engineering resources for higher-impact work, while VP of Product can accelerate feature development timelines. Although exact revenue numbers were not disclosed, Recall has achieved substantial growth in just two years with a usage-based model that charges per hour of audio and video processed through the API.

Looking ahead, Recall plans to expand its product offering by adding new tools and integrations for more conversational data sources. The company aims to deliver even more value to its customers and grow its team across key domains.

In conclusion, Recall’s innovative approach to mobilizing conversational data for AI has attracted significant investment and garnered interest from hundreds of companies. By providing a unified API that simplifies access to valuable conversational data, Recall has positioned itself as a key player in the AI industry. As the company continues to grow and evolve, it is set to revolutionize how businesses leverage conversations as a data source for AI applications.

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