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Unraveling the Mysteries of Lorelei and the Laser Eyes: A Mind-Bending Puzzle Game

Worth a thousand words: What to like in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, developed by Simogo, is a mind-bending puzzle game that offers a unique gaming experience. The game’s marketing may have led to some confusion, as the trailer highlights its avant-garde French New Wave-film aesthetic and survival-horror vibes. However, at its core, Lorelei is an old-fashioned puzzle game that challenges players to solve brain teasers and piece together a mysterious story.

One of the standout features of Lorelei is its art design. The game is predominantly black, white, and shades of grey, with vibrant neon red lights serving as important indicators. As players progress through the game, the red hues become more intense, creating a sense of unease and questioning the reality of the world they are in.

The puzzles in Lorelei are undoubtedly the game’s greatest strength. They are difficult but not impossible to solve, rewarding players for their clever thinking and careful observation. The game provides players with the necessary tools to find solutions, including an in-universe calculator. It’s important to note that keeping a notebook handy can enhance the gaming experience, as players may need to jot down clues and keep track of information for later use.

What sets Lorelei apart from other puzzle games is its consistency in puzzle mechanics. The game introduces players to different puzzle types early on and provides hints on how to solve them. This consistency allows players to feel prepared and engaged as they progress through the game. For example, a massive maze is foreshadowed throughout the game, ensuring that players are ready for the challenge when they encounter it.

The biggest surprise in Lorelei is its captivating story. While the puzzles may initially take center stage, the narrative seamlessly incorporates them into the central storyline. As reality bends and twists, contradictory clues and atmospheric elements add to the overall puzzle-like nature of the story. Lorelei’s story is an excellent addition to the game, enhancing the overall gaming experience and providing players with a satisfying challenge.

Sketchy on the details: What not to like in Lorelei and the Laser Eyes

Despite its strengths, Lorelei does have a few drawbacks. One notable flaw is the menu navigation, which relies on a single button press. While this simplicity generally works well, it becomes problematic when players want to navigate back within the menu. Instead of a dedicated “back” button, players must locate a specific symbol within the submenu to return. This can be frustrating, especially when players are trying to find specific information to solve puzzles.

Another issue is the lack of a hint system. While some players may appreciate the challenge, others may find themselves stuck and in need of assistance. Lorelei teases a hint system through a phone line that players can call for advice. However, the advice given is often vague and unhelpful, leaving players feeling misled and potentially frustrated.

Should you play Lorelei and the Laser Eyes?

If you enjoy puzzle games, brain teasers, or adventure games, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is definitely worth playing. The game offers a fantastic story wrapped in engaging gameplay. While there are some drawbacks, they don’t significantly detract from the overall experience. Lorelei challenges players while rewarding them equally, making it one of the standout gaming experiences of 2024.

(Note: Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is currently available on PC and Switch. Annapurna Interactive provided GamesBeat with a review code for this review.)

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