
Waymo’s Self-Driving Vehicles in Question: More Incidents Uncovered by Regulators

Concerns about the safety of Waymo’s self-driving vehicles have been raised after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) discovered nine more incidents involving their autonomous vehicles. This comes after the ODI opened an investigation into Waymo’s software following 22 reports of crashes caused by unexpected moves made by the robotaxis.

The investigation is specifically looking at the software’s ability to avoid collisions with stationary objects and its response to traffic safety control devices like cones. The additional nine incidents include collisions with gates, utility poles, and parked vehicles, as well as driving in the wrong lane with oncoming traffic and into construction zones.

The ODI is concerned that these unexpected driving behaviors increase the risk of crashes, property damage, and injury. While no injuries have been reported so far, some of the incidents involved collisions with visible objects that a competent driver would be expected to avoid. The agency also expressed concern about incidents occurring near pedestrians.

Waymo has until June 11 to respond to a series of questions from NHTSA regarding the investigation. This increased scrutiny on automated driving technology extends to other companies as well. NHTSA recently opened an investigation into autonomous vehicles operated by Zoox, which is backed by Amazon. This investigation was prompted by two reports of the company’s autonomous-equipped Toyota Highlanders triggering unexpected brakes and being rear-ended by motorcycles.

These incidents highlight the importance of thorough testing and evaluation of self-driving technology. The safety of both passengers and pedestrians is at stake, and it is crucial for companies like Waymo to address any issues promptly. The investigation by NHTSA serves as a reminder that regulatory agencies are closely monitoring the development and deployment of autonomous vehicles to ensure public safety.

As self-driving technology continues to advance, it is essential for companies to prioritize safety and transparency. Open communication with regulators and the public can help identify potential issues and prevent accidents. Additionally, ongoing research and development should focus on improving the software’s ability to detect and respond to unexpected situations, ensuring that autonomous vehicles can navigate the roads safely and reliably.

While incidents like these may raise concerns about the safety of self-driving vehicles, it is important to remember that accidents involving human-driven vehicles are far more common. Autonomous technology has the potential to significantly reduce the number of accidents caused by human error. However, it is essential to address any issues and continuously improve the technology to ensure its full potential is realized without compromising safety.