Home Tech What’s the Newest Xbox? A Guide to Xbox Console Releases

What’s the Newest Xbox? A Guide to Xbox Console Releases

Which Xbox is the newest and most powerful? The naming conventions of video game consoles have always posed a challenge for companies, except for PlayStation, which follows a simple numerical progression. Nintendo faced criticism for naming its console “Wii U” after the successful Wii, despite the two consoles being vastly different. However, Xbox takes the cake for confusing device names. Microsoft’s console ecosystem is filled with nonsensical names that provide little information about the devices themselves. To clear up the confusion, let’s take a closer look at the newest Xbox consoles.

The newest Xbox consoles are the Xbox Series X and the Xbox Series S, both released in 2020. The Xbox Series X is the more powerful option, offering maximum graphical fidelity and a disc drive. On the other hand, the Xbox Series S is a more affordable alternative that sacrifices 4K support and a disc drive. It’s important to note that both consoles belong to the “Xbox Series” family, with the S and X representing different models of the same device.

To understand the evolution of Xbox consoles, let’s take a quick look at their timeline:

1. Xbox (2001): The original Xbox launched on November 15, 2001.
2. Xbox 360 (2005): The first true follow-up to the original Xbox was released on November 22, 2005.
3. Xbox One (2013): Despite its confusing name, the Xbox One was the third console in the series and launched on November 22, 2013.
4. Xbox One S (2016): A smaller version of the Xbox One with minimal internal differences, it was released on August 2, 2016.
5. Xbox One X (2017): A more powerful version of the Xbox One, but still part of the same console generation, it launched on November 7, 2017.
6. Xbox Series S (2020): The true successor to the Xbox One, this console lacks 4K support and a disc drive. It was released on November 10, 2020.
7. Xbox Series X (2020): Another successor to the Xbox One, the Series X offers more horsepower and includes a disc drive. It also launched on November 10, 2020.

In summary, the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are the newest consoles from Microsoft. The Series X is the more powerful option with a higher price point, while the Series S provides a more affordable alternative with some sacrifices in terms of graphical fidelity and disc drive functionality. Hopefully, Microsoft will simplify its naming conventions in the future to avoid confusion among consumers. Perhaps the next console could be called “Xbox 5,” making it easier for everyone to understand.

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