
Why AI Isn’t Funny and May Never Be

AI’s Struggle with Humor: Why It’s Hard for Machines to be Funny

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, but when it comes to comedy, it falls flat. AI models like ChatGPT and Gemini may have a vast amount of data and language patterns, but they struggle to understand the nuances of humor. While AI can unintentionally produce funny results, deliberate attempts at humor often leave people confused. However, this doesn’t mean that AI will never be funny. Experts believe that with time and learning experiences, AI may improve its comedic abilities.

AI’s Lack of Originality:
A study conducted in 2023 revealed that over 90% of the jokes generated by ChatGPT were not original. These models rely on pre-existing patterns in language, leading to repetitive and unoriginal responses. For example, the popular joke about the scarecrow winning an award for being “outstanding in its field” was a go-to gag for ChatGPT. This lack of originality hinders AI’s ability to generate truly funny content.

Understanding the Complexity of Humor:
According to Mark Riedl, a professor at Georgia Tech’s Machine Learning Center, humor is a complex art that involves careful planning and understanding of audience expectations. While AI models like ChatGPT can mimic certain patterns, they lack the ability to create tension and deliver unexpected punchlines. Comedians engage in strategic thinking, whereas AI relies on predictive patterns, making it comparable to an alien trying to replicate stand-up comedy without comprehending the underlying mechanisms.

Comedians Paying Dues:
Successful comedians spend years honing their craft through countless performances, even when they’re already famous. They experiment with new material, bomb on stage, and analyze audience reactions to refine their act. Similarly, AI may need to undergo a similar learning process by receiving feedback from users. If we can provide ratings or feedback on AI-generated jokes, it could help these models understand what makes us laugh and improve their comedic abilities.

The Essence of Funny:
Chris Rock, a renowned comedian, deliberately bombs on stage to uncover the essence of humor. By removing the context from his jokes and experimenting with new material, he tests the boundaries of what is funny. This process allows him to understand what works and refine his comedic skills. AI could benefit from a similar approach, trying different styles and materials to discover what truly makes people laugh.

Asking Better Questions:
When we ask AI models like ChatGPT to “tell me a joke,” we are not being specific enough. It’s like telling a comedian to “be funny” without any further guidance. By asking more specific and nuanced questions, we can potentially elicit better comedic responses from AI. These language models have access to a wealth of comedic content, such as stand-up specials, which they can draw inspiration from to deliver a “tight five” or even explore unconventional forms of comedy.

The Importance of Trust:
Trust plays a vital role in comedy. We are more likely to laugh freely when we trust that the comedian knows where they’re going and that any apparent offensiveness or incongruity will be resolved in the end. Unfortunately, AI still lacks the trust factor. People approach AI-generated content with skepticism, feeling uncertain about its intentions. Building trust with AI systems is crucial for them to be truly funny.

The Potential for Unconventional Comedy:
Not all comedy needs to be laugh-out-loud funny. There is comedy in breaking the fourth wall, challenging the artificiality of humor itself, and providing unexpected truths. AI that refuses to conform to traditional joke-telling and instead drops truth bombs could create a unique form of comedy akin to comedians like Bo Burnham. While AI’s output may not currently be widely trusted or understood as humorous, it has the potential to explore alternative comedic styles in the future.

AI’s struggle to be funny stems from its inability to understand the complexity of humor, lack of originality, and the absence of trust. However, with continued learning experiences and feedback from users, AI models may improve their comedic abilities over time. While AI-generated humor may not yet rival that of human comedians, it can offer unconventional and thought-provoking comedy that challenges our perceptions of what is funny. So, for now, let’s appreciate AI’s attempts at humor and perhaps even share a chuckle or two.