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Why Companies Prepare for Taxes but Neglect Death: Bereave’s Solution to Workplace Grief

Why Companies Are Prepared for Taxes but Not for Death

Losing a loved one is a profoundly difficult experience that can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate the complex process of closing out their affairs. Bereave, a company founded by Elijah Linder and Matt Tyner, aims to address this issue by providing support and resources for people experiencing loss. While many companies prioritize preparing for taxes, they often overlook the importance of supporting employees through the grieving process.

Bereave recognized that individuals struggling with grief often face additional challenges in the workplace. During their interviews with people who had experienced loss, they discovered that many individuals were not receiving the support they needed from their managers. This insight led the team to develop a B2B product that employers could offer their employees in times of need.

The platform created by Bereave serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals dealing with loss. It guides them through the necessary steps of closing out a loved one’s affairs, including navigating taxes, insurance cancellations, credit card and bank account transfers, and handling wills. By providing a checklist and centralizing all the necessary information, Bereave aims to alleviate some of the mental burden associated with grief.

Unlike many death tech companies that focus on specific aspects of the grieving process, Bereave’s goal is to bring everything together in one place. They want to be the go-to resource for businesses, offering a comprehensive solution for supporting employees through loss. Currently, Bereave has 12 clients who pay an annual fee based on their number of employees.

Employers often struggle to provide meaningful support to employees dealing with loss. Bereave fills this gap by offering resources that outline how to support grieving employees or handle the unfortunate event of an employee’s passing. These resources also provide guidance for team members on how to sensitively discuss loss and offer practical assistance, such as providing food for a grieving family.

Bereave’s decision to target employers is strategic. HR departments are more likely to seek out and invest in resources like Bereave’s platform, as they prioritize employee well-being and support. Additionally, the funeral industry has been slow to adapt to technological offerings like Bereave’s, making employers an ideal market for their services.

However, Bereave acknowledges that it will take time for their platform to reach its full potential. They are currently in the process of fundraising to develop enterprise-grade software that will automate many of the tasks associated with supporting employees through loss. This automation will enable HR departments, managers, and teammates to execute necessary actions without having to think about what to do.

In conclusion, companies often prioritize preparing for taxes but overlook the importance of supporting employees through the grieving process. Bereave aims to fill this gap by offering a comprehensive platform that guides individuals through the necessary steps of handling affairs after a loved one’s death. By targeting employers, Bereave ensures that the resources and support they provide reach those who need it most. Through automation and continued development, Bereave seeks to become an essential tool for companies in supporting their employees during times of loss.

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