Home Tech Why Roundabouts Are Becoming the Preferred Traffic Control in American Cities

Why Roundabouts Are Becoming the Preferred Traffic Control in American Cities

**Roundabouts: A Solution to Traffic Woes**

Roundabouts, often associated with Europe, have found their place on American roads. While considered a foreign concept by many Americans, some cities in the United States have embraced roundabouts as the default means of traffic control and are reaping the benefits. One such city is Carmel, Indiana, which has become the municipal king of the American roundabout.

Mayor James Brainard of Carmel sees roundabouts as a solution that allows the city to keep its existing two-lane roads, benefiting the environment by avoiding unnecessary paving. The city currently boasts 140 roundabouts, and by 2025, it plans to replace all but one stoplight. The effectiveness of these roundabouts is evident in the fact that they have significantly reduced the number of crashes resulting in injury. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, these roundabouts have led to a 50% reduction in such crashes and an impressive 84% reduction in busy intersections, such as those at highway exits.

Another city that has embraced roundabouts is Bend, Oregon. Although it has a smaller population than Carmel, Bend has adopted a “roundabout first” policy of traffic control. With 42 roundabouts in the city, Bend has experienced a considerable decline in crashes and crash-related injuries. The inherent design of roundabouts reduces the severity of collisions, making them safer than traditional intersections. The City of Bend Engineer, Ryan Oster, explains that accidents in roundabouts generally involve vehicles sideswiping each other instead of high-speed head-on or T-collisions that often occur at traditional intersections.

Apart from safety, roundabouts also offer benefits for pedestrians and cyclists. In both Carmel and Bend, the reduction in crashes has enhanced pedestrian safety. Although pedestrians need to exercise caution and rely on their judgment when crossing at roundabouts, Oregon law requires drivers to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks. This contrasts sharply with the experience in some other areas, where drivers often do not yield to pedestrians.

Moreover, roundabouts support environmentally friendly transportation options. Both Carmel and Bend have seen improvements in fuel economy and reduced vehicle emissions due to the continuous flow of traffic in roundabouts. The need to accelerate from a complete stop is minimized, resulting in less harm to the environment.

In addition to their functional benefits, roundabouts can also be aesthetically pleasing. Bend has taken the initiative to incorporate greenery and sculptures into the centers of roundabouts, creating a more visually appealing driving experience. The presence of artwork in roundabouts adds a touch of beauty and sets these intersections apart from traditional ones.

Despite the many advantages of roundabouts, some drivers may bemoan the lack of opportunities for speed and thrills that traffic lights or stop signs provide. However, roundabouts offer their own unique joy for driving enthusiasts. When traffic is light, roundabouts present an opportunity to navigate through municipally-sanctioned chicanes and carousels. This can be a delightful experience for those who enjoy the dynamic aspect of driving.

In conclusion, American cities like Carmel and Bend have successfully implemented roundabouts as a means of improving traffic flow, enhancing safety, and reducing environmental impact. These circular intersections offer advantages such as reduced crashes and injuries, improved pedestrian safety, and better fuel efficiency. Their aesthetic appeal and the joy they bring to driving enthusiasts add to their appeal. As more cities recognize these benefits, roundabouts are becoming a prominent feature on American roads. So, next time you encounter a roundabout, embrace its advantages and enjoy the ride.

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