
Why Threads Isn’t the Arena for Must-Read Conversations

Threads vs. X: The Battle for Social Media Dominance

In July 2023, Threads, the Instagram-based app, experienced a surge in popularity as users sought refuge from Elon Musk’s X, formerly known as Twitter. However, within a few months, the number of daily active users (DAUs) plummeted. Despite this setback, the Threads team worked diligently to incorporate features that disgruntled Twitter users desired, such as a web version and a reverse-chronological timeline. Meanwhile, Musk’s X faced its own challenges, with an influx of misinformation and dull promoted comments from pay-to-play “blue tick” accounts. As a result, advertisers abandoned the platform, and usage declined. In contrast, Threads experienced a resurgence in users, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg reporting a 50% increase in monthly active users (MAUs) in Meta’s earnings report in April.

Threads’ Appeal and Limitations:
While Threads appealed to former Twitter addicts with its nostalgic feel and ease of sharing content, it still fell short in certain aspects. Notably, when it came to viral activity and engaging conversations, Twitter remained the go-to platform. The reason behind this disparity can be attributed to Zuckerberg’s hesitance to prioritize news stories on Threads. Additionally, Threads’ conversation dynamics resembled Facebook comments more than Twitter replies, which led to an abundance of unsolicited advice and overly earnest responses. The influx of Instagram users transitioning to Threads without fully grasping the concept of “shitposting” contributed to this issue. Moreover, the app’s design concealed the option to switch to a chronological timeline, leaving users unaware of its existence.

The Algorithmic Approach:
Zuckerberg’s inclination towards centering the algorithm within Threads reflects Facebook’s playbook. This strategy involves allowing the algorithm to dominate user engagement, outrage, and content selection. Instagram had previously succumbed to this approach for six years before reintroducing the chronological timeline option in 2022. However, many users remain unaware of this option due to the app’s default setting. If Threads follows a similar path, it risks becoming a mundane platform filled with provocative content from unchosen accounts, resembling Instagram with fewer pictures. This would deter creative Twitter users from producing the constant stream of captivating content that made the platform compelling.

The Importance of the Reverse-Chronological Timeline:
To prevent Threads from losing its unique energy and falling under Musk’s control, Zuckerberg must prioritize the reverse-chronological timeline. By focusing on the “Following” option and ensuring it is the default setting, Threads can capture the essence of peak Twitter. This move would encourage creative users to continue producing engaging content and attract a larger user base. Ultimately, it is crucial for Zuckerberg to allow Threads to cross the Rubicon into the risky territory of reverse-chronological news delivery.

Threads has made significant strides in reclaiming disgruntled Twitter users and increasing its MAUs. However, to truly become the go-to platform for trending topics, it needs to address certain limitations and embrace the reverse-chronological timeline. By doing so, Threads can differentiate itself from Musk’s X and provide a unique space for diverse conversations and engaging content. Only then can Threads solidify its position as a leading social media platform in the ever-evolving digital landscape.