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X Ends Ability to Hide Blue Check Mark: Drama Continues on the Social Media Platform

Blue Check Marks: The Drama Continues on X

In the world of social media platforms, drama seems to be an everyday occurrence. And once again, it’s the old blue check marks on X that are causing a stir. These coveted symbols of verification used to be something users had to apply for, but that all changed when X’s new owner came along and started charging $8 for them. Needless to say, people were not happy about this. The backlash was swift and merciless, with many mocking those who were willing to pay for a blue check mark.

Eventually, X caved in and allowed users to enjoy the Premium benefits without displaying the blue check mark. This was a way for people to avoid the ridicule that often came with having the symbol next to their name. However, it seems that X is now backtracking on this decision.

According to a notification screenshot shared by Premium users, X will soon be getting rid of the “hide your checkmark” feature. This latest update comes at a time when X has been giving out blue check marks to influential accounts for free. Some believe that this timing is not a coincidence and that X is intentionally trying to create controversy.

Unfortunately, this is just the latest in a string of missteps for X. Recently, the platform began automatically changing “Twitter” to “X” in URLs shared by users. While this may have seemed like a minor change, it actually caused many of those URLs to break. This led to frustration and confusion among users, who were left wondering why their links were no longer working properly.

In addition to the URL fiasco, a recent study revealed an alarming increase in hate speech on X. Specifically, there has been a rise in anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim rhetoric on the platform. This is deeply concerning and highlights the need for stronger moderation and enforcement of community guidelines.

Furthermore, it was reported a few weeks ago that X’s user base has declined by nearly a quarter since Elon Musk took charge. This is a significant drop in user engagement and raises questions about the direction in which the platform is heading.

All in all, it’s safe to say that X is facing some serious challenges. From the controversy surrounding blue check marks to the issues with URL changes and hate speech, the platform is struggling to maintain a positive image. It remains to be seen how X will address these concerns and regain the trust of its users.

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