
Xiaomi Takes a Shot at Apple’s ‘Crush’ Ad with New Campaign

Xiaomi Takes a Playful Jab at Apple’s Controversial Ad with Their Latest Campaign

In the world of advertising, it’s not uncommon for companies to take playful jabs at their competitors. Recently, Xiaomi, a Chinese tech giant, released an ad for their upcoming Xiaomi 14 Civi smartphone that seems to be a direct response to Apple’s controversial ‘Crush’ ad. The ad, tagged #CinematicVision, cleverly mimics Apple’s ad but with a twist.

Apple’s ‘Crush’ ad featured a hydraulic press destroying various instruments and creative tools to create an iPad Pro. However, the ad received significant backlash from creatives who found it tone-deaf. Apple eventually pulled the ad and issued an apology.

Xiaomi’s ad starts off similarly, with a hydraulic press shown about to destroy the tools beneath it. However, instead of continuing with the destruction, the hydraulic press breaks down, seemingly unable to complete the task. While the intention behind this twist is likely to show how Xiaomi is different from Apple when it comes to destroying creative tools, it’s unclear how copying Apple’s ad achieves that goal, even in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

It’s worth noting that playful teasing among tech giants is not uncommon. Samsung has frequently engaged in such teasing, including recently poking fun at Apple’s ‘Crush’ ad. Apple itself has a history of taking jabs at competitors through their iconic Mac vs. PC ads. However, in order for these playful jabs to be effective, they require more effort and originality.

Xiaomi’s response to Apple’s controversial ad raises questions about the effectiveness of mimicking a competitor’s misstep. While it may generate some buzz and attention, it remains to be seen whether it will truly differentiate Xiaomi from Apple in the eyes of consumers. In the highly competitive smartphone market, companies need to find unique ways to stand out and showcase their own capabilities and features.

In conclusion, Xiaomi’s playful jab at Apple’s ‘Crush’ ad with their #CinematicVision campaign is an interesting move. While it may generate some conversation, it remains to be seen whether it will have a significant impact on consumers’ perception of the brand. In the end, it is the quality and innovation of the products themselves that will truly set Xiaomi apart in the increasingly crowded smartphone market.