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Yann LeCun Criticizes Elon Musk’s Treatment of Scientists and Spreads Awareness of Dangerous Misinformation

Yann LeCun, the chief AI scientist at Meta, recently took to social media to express his concerns about the way Elon Musk treats scientists at his companies and accused him of spreading dangerous misinformation and conspiracy theories. LeCun praised Musk’s achievements in electric vehicles, rockets, solar energy, and satellite communications but disagreed with him on several issues, specifically how he treats researchers at his companies.

LeCun criticized Musk’s companies for stifling scientific progress and talent acquisition by forcing researchers into secrecy instead of allowing them to publish their work. According to LeCun, this secrecy hampers progress and discourages top talent from joining the effort. He argued that while technology and product development may not need openness and publications to advance, forward-looking research does.

The critique from LeCun comes after a heated Memorial Day weekend feud between him and Musk on X.com (formerly Twitter), where they clashed over their approaches to AI research and hype. LeCun questioned Musk’s new AI startup xAI, suggesting that scientists there would face unrealistic deadlines, hype, and conspiracy theories from their boss.

In addition to criticizing Musk’s treatment of scientists, LeCun also took aim at his “hype” and “blatantly false predictions” regarding artificial general intelligence (AGI) and autonomous vehicles. He accused Musk of making claims like “AGI next year” and promising “1 million robotaxis by 2020” that have not come to pass. LeCun argued that expressing an ambitious vision for the future is great, but spreading false predictions is counterproductive and, in some cases, illegal.

LeCun’s harshest criticism was reserved for Musk’s statements on political and social issues, which he described as not just wrong but dangerous for democracy, civilization, and human welfare. LeCun disagreed with Musk’s criticisms of journalists and traditional media, arguing that they are necessary for a functioning democracy. He also accused Musk of spreading conspiracy theories when it serves his interests, which he believes is unbecoming of a technological visionary.

LeCun also touched on Musk’s approach to content moderation on X.com, arguing that while Musk claims to be a “free speech absolutist,” content moderation is necessary to remove things like terrorist propaganda, child exploitation, hate speech, and health disinformation. LeCun emphasized that content moderation is a complicated problem that requires a complex trade-off, rather than an attitude of total laissez-faire.

This direct criticism from LeCun, one of the world’s foremost AI experts, goes beyond business rivalries and raises fundamental questions about the ethical development of AI, the norms of scientific research, and the civic responsibilities of tech leaders. It is not the first time LeCun has engaged in such debates, as he previously had a fiery debate with AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio over the potential risks and safety concerns surrounding AI.

Neither Musk nor spokespeople for his various companies have responded to LeCun’s criticisms at the time of writing. This exchange highlights the emerging battle lines and debates in the AI community as the pace of AI development accelerates and high-profile figures like Musk and LeCun jockey to shape its future trajectory.

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