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YouTube Introduces Safeguards to Limit Teens’ Exposure to Harmful Fitness and Social Aggression Videos

YouTube to Limit Exposure of Teens to Harmful Content

YouTube has announced that it will further limit teens’ exposure to videos that promote and idealize a certain fitness level or physical appearance. This safeguard, which was first introduced in the U.S. last year, will now be rolled out globally. The move comes as YouTube has faced criticism in recent years for potentially harming teens and exposing them to content that could encourage eating disorders.

The type of content that YouTube aims to restrict includes videos that compare physical features, idealize certain fitness levels, body types, and weight. Additionally, YouTube will also limit exposure to videos that display “social aggression” in the form of non-contact fights and intimidation. While this type of content may not be as harmful in isolation, if repeatedly shown to teens, it can become problematic. Therefore, YouTube will limit the repeated recommendations of videos related to these topics.

The decision to introduce these safeguards stems from the fact that YouTube’s recommendations are based on users’ viewing and engagement patterns. Even if a particular video adheres to YouTube’s guidelines, if it repeatedly appears in a teen’s recommendations, it could shape an unrealistic internal standard and lead to negative beliefs about oneself.

Dr. Garth Graham, YouTube’s global head of health, emphasizes the importance of protecting teens during their formative years. As they develop thoughts about their identity and their own standards, repeated consumption of content featuring idealized standards can have a detrimental impact on their self-perception.

This announcement coincides with YouTube’s introduction of a new tool that allows parents to link their accounts to their teen’s account, providing insights into their teen’s activity on the platform. By linking their accounts, parents will receive alerts about their teen’s channel activity, such as the number of uploads and subscriptions. This tool builds on YouTube’s existing parental controls, which enable parents to create supervised accounts for children under the age of consent.

It is worth noting that other social media platforms, such as TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook, also offer similar parental control features and supervised accounts for young users.

The introduction of these measures by YouTube demonstrates the platform’s commitment to ensuring the well-being of its teenage users. By limiting exposure to harmful content and providing parents with tools to monitor their teen’s activity, YouTube aims to create a safer and more responsible environment for young viewers.

In conclusion, YouTube’s decision to limit teens’ exposure to videos that promote unrealistic standards and social aggression is a step in the right direction. By recognizing the potential harm of such content and taking proactive measures to protect young viewers, YouTube is setting an example for other social media platforms. The introduction of parental control features further empowers parents to oversee their teen’s online activity, fostering a healthier digital experience for the next generation.

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