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Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Global Reset: What should Pakistan do?

Today, when I am more than half a century old, it amazes me to see how so many of our mature elites still believe in the superstitions of the nineteenth century.

Many researchers have argued that 9/11 was the fifteenth false flag operation in the history of the United States similar to the Gulf of Tonkin invasion in Vietnam and the sinking of the Lusitania during WWI. As a result of 9/11, we saw major changes in the world, including America’s wars of aggression in the Muslim world. Many millions were killed, and many more millions were injured and displaced.

Similarly, coronavirus exists but the global politics of coronavirus is fraudulent. Since its kill rate is less than the ordinary flu, closing down the world economy cannot be justified, yet global powers are all set to do that. While the global lockdowns will liquidate the global economies, the war drums can be heard and a new series of wars seem to be knocking at our doors. This global reset requires concomitant resets at the regional, national and local levels. Pakistan is still a weak actor at the global level, but it can resist at the national and local levels, but such resistance presupposes a strong state and a deep trust between state and society. 

The reason our state is weak because it believes in errant a concept that prevents it from the gradual cultivation of strength and then persevering on the straight path.


Friends and enemies of humanity

Those who want to reset the globe are not friends of humanity because their dream of the great reset undermines the happy and normal existence of ordinary human beings. If these ordinary human beings want to resist the reset for their survival and happiness what can they do? In this short space we attempt to answer this question, however, the answer is simple and difficult at the same time; moreover, this answer may be plausible to only those who have been bestowed with at least a minimal level of spiritual intelligence because facts are not the same for everyone, hence sifting through a Webinar Care plethora of false information to dig out truth requires a slightly higher level of intelligence.

The reason even sensible answers will not be plausible to all is that human understanding is not uniform. There are levels of understanding. Some people understand more, others less. Plus, most people are like a herd of sheep who are socially conditioned not because of their own fault and will continue to believe in wrong things in order to fit in the herd.

Read more: Amb Salman Bashir on Pakistan’s foreign policy in the next decade

The enemies of humanity are strong but not strong enough to fulfill all their dreams. There are limits to their power or else they would have done what they’ve been meaning to do since a long time ago. Those who want to resist the reset for the sake of their survival and happiness must identify these limits and exploit them to the fullest, or else most will perish and the rest will be enslaved.

Do most governments around the world understand this? If they do, are they willing to do something about it? In the context of Pakistan, do our rulers understand this, and are they prepared enough to protect their own people? It is our contention that most rulers of Pakistan do not want to understand this because their money chain from abroad depends on not understanding it, let alone being prepared to do something about this.

Pakistan’s kakistocracy and aristocracy

It is a fact that the entire Pakistani population of over 200 million people is disenchanted with its leadership and political system except for a few hundred people who benefit from this system.

The reason the people of Pakistan are disenchanted with their leadership is that the Pakistani political leadership has been a coward, stupid, and sold out for many decades now. The only hope this country has now is if the whole principle and structure of governance is completely dismantled, but preferably peacefully without the loss of life and property. If and when such a measure is taken, then what would replace it? Do we have a new principle that can give birth to a new structure?

We do not, because the new principle (democracy) over older forms of rule is itself dying or dead, which leaves us with our original principle of spiritual over temporal, but the original principle must be renewed and revived to face the realities of governing a mass society.

This elite vs. people opposition is apparent in all domains of knowledge from philosophy, religion, law, economy and politics.

In the light of observable dynastic succession of political families, it can be safely said that like elsewhere there is no democracy in Pakistan, as democracy is ideally understood to be. It is a rule of a few hundred people that parades as democracy. I have never seen people ruling anywhere in the world. I have only seen the elites ruling the ordinary people, and I am fine with the idea of the rule of the few over many.

It is in the nature of things. And what we are suggesting here as a replacement of the current system is not democracy either. We suggest that a few hundred good people should replace the rule of a few hundred bad people. The rule of the worst people is called kakistocracy in the Greek language and the rule of the best people is known as aristocracy.

Read more: Op-ed: Pakistan’s politicians are just ‘sand-dune’ leaders without a view of life

The choice that the people of Pakistan (demos) have is to choose between the Kakistos or the Aristos. In both cases, since it is the people who will vote them in, it will still be technically called democracy as commonly understood. But can we trust the judgment of people who are duped and brainwashed with lies from morning to evening? Do people even know? If they did, would they’ve voted the well-known looters, embezzlers, and murderers into office over and over again?

This goes to show you that Greek and Islamic philosophers were right all along when they contended that democracy is the worst form of government. But colonial slavery of a few hundred years has robbed that intellectual discernment from Muslim leadership and scholarship to even take a note of their own tradition.

Who will help this country out of this mess?

If the above assertion is true, don’t we have a case that an elite of good and selfless stewardship is required to bail the country out of this mess that is mired with corruption, treason, and open hostility towards the state and its people? If so, who is going to do it? The perpetually lying democrat who gets your votes on false promises but doesn’t build your roads, gutters, schools, and hospitals? Or the deeply colonized afsar shahi bureaucrat baboo who is in cahoots with the lying democrat? I don’t think so.

Will it help if people came out with sticks and stones and pellet government offices in acts of frustration? With due respect to peoples’ power, I don’t think so. Is there anyone else I haven’t mentioned? Aha… the military. Can the military clean up the bigger mess instead of cleaning the streets of Karachi? I think they can. They have done it in the past, sometimes more successfully, other times with limited success. They can do it for sure, but will they?

To use our local logic, the state should shift their qibla towards Sirat al Mustaqim, a straight path that doesn’t suffer from the convolutions of the current path of disaster that we are comfortably treading.

This is what needs to be answered. The people of Pakistan love their military. Alhamdulillah, it is indeed a fine military that has rendered many sacrifices for our nation, therefore, they must be honored for that. Any human institution can make mistakes and our military surely have some on their ledger of deeds too, but a judicious approach would be not to throw away the baby with the bathwater which our liberals often tend to do. That approach is dangerous because we don’t want to cut the branch we are sitting on.

Injudicious defamation of the military makes it weaker, while constructive criticism of it in relevant quarters makes the military help itself remove its flaws and shortcomings and become stronger. Any patriotic Pakistani must aspire to make our military stronger not weaker because this is our first and last line of defense. If it weren’t for our military, Daesh, ISIS, and TTP would have been slitting the throats of our children and raping our women today. Just take a cursory glance in the Middle East and see what happened. Thank God for that and our profound prayers for the souls of our martyrs.

‘not to ‘do more’ but to do something different’

But this is not enough, even bigger dangers are lurking around the corner which our military alone may not be able to handle. It will need the help of our people. The people should ask our military not to ‘do more’ but to do something different. Luckily we have perhaps the world’s highest rating when it comes to peoples’ support for their military. Yet, our military has not tapped enough into civilian domains where it needs non-military and extra-military help.

The institutions of the military should help the state to expand its arteries and tentacles deep inside the society by a greater level of civil society-military cooperation that it is hard to tell where the boundary of the state stops and the civil society begins (look at China). A deeply infested and infiltrated country mired by mafia rule cannot be cleaned up without the help of intelligence agencies, the best of whom are under military control.

Read more: Pakistani governments must back Pakistan army as it battles bigger security threats outside

In modern wars, kinetic and non-kinetic responses to threats tend to blur the black and white domains into a large grey area where defense and development are fused together (remember CPEC?). Peoples’ partaking in the process of defense and development requires a fusion of military and civilian domains (look at Israel and Switzerland). To mobilize masses to yield the condition we are indicating requires that public consciousness in state and society should be in agreement on the same or similar set of values and goals. Only then the state can mobilize the society and the society can help the state in their joint efforts to defend the country and improve our economic condition.

Rebuilding the narrative

Currently, our people believe in something else and the elites are harking and barking on the national media in the opposite direction. This elite vs. people opposition is apparent in all domains of knowledge from philosophy, religion, law, economy and politics. The national and civilizational narratives are either fuddled or non-existent. Two important narrative building domains are academia and media without which the war of narratives cannot be waged.

Currently, like other sectors of state and society, the liberal mafia also infiltrates these. These institutions should reflect the beliefs and values of the people of Pakistan and not spread subversion in mass consciousness.

Can the military clean up the bigger mess instead of cleaning the streets of Karachi? I think they can.

In order to adopt a remedial course of action, the state should first undertake a combing operation, remove all the blood-sucking lice and parasites and then rebuild it with narratives that suit the vast majority of the people of Pakistan whose values come from traditional Islam and not modern Islam.

Similarly, this Islamic narrative should accommodate the beliefs and values of our minorities’ religious traditions, be they Christian, Sikh, Hindu, or Parsi. While privileging traditional religion, it should marginalize and ridicule the intolerant understandings of all modern religion, also known as fundamentalism (modern Islam is intolerant Wahabism, modern Hinduism is Modi’s RSS Hindutva fascism, modern Christianity is the scary Christian Right, modern Judaism is Zionist fascism, and all of them are each other’s best friends).

Read more: Erdogan’s Moment of Glory: Reinventing Turkey’s Islamic Past

If and when this is done in Pakistan and in the important enclaves of Islamic civilization, it will be a kick on the ass of secularism which asks us to jettison our spiritual traditions to be replaced by liberalism that ridicules traditional religions that all communities hold dear. This ideal condition cannot come about automatically by Adam Smith’s invisible hand. It has to be brought about with resolve and force. The only institution that has the force is the Pakistani military but do they understand what is said above and do they have the resolve to clean up this cognitive mess?

The need for Sirat al Mustaqim

There is hope that they are intelligent enough to understand it and bestowed with spiritual potential to muster up resolve and courage to do this. Our elites still don’t seem to understand the long term consequence of the global reset. A significant section of our youth and elites have been brainwashed into ways of thinking which are alien to the rest of the country. As mentioned earlier, the elite discourses are harmful because they constantly betray the beliefs and values of their own people. However, is not recommended that the elites be robbed off of their elite-hood, what is recommended that we shift their orientation.

To use our local logic, the state should shift their qibla towards Sirat al Mustaqim, a straight path that doesn’t suffer from the convolutions of the current path of disaster that we are comfortably treading. It sounds awfully difficult, but it is possible. Rather, it may be easier than we think. If conditions are created in which the elite see their material benefit in the directions of the new qibla, ninety percent will shift immediately, and the wayward ten percent should have to face the baton because we should never tolerate the intolerant and show no mercy to traitors and treason.

Those who want to reset the globe are not friends of humanity because their dream of the great reset undermines the happy and normal existence of ordinary human beings.

Out of the new elites, we must prop up an ‘elite of the elite’ that have an upright character and espouse a much deeper understanding of ideologies, religions, civilizations, and principles of statecraft. The reason this has not taken place is that our civilians are corrupt and the military continues to believe in the supremacy of civilian rule (Bajwa Doctrine), therefore one cannot help but think that our military knowingly or unknowingly supports the rule of corrupt people and is guilty of propping up the kakistos while keeping down the aristos. However, since the military had suffered enormous global pressures for their earlier clean-up jobs, they don’t want to come under more pressure once again especially when we are already losing our young soldiers in the battlefields of global terrorism. Therefore, our military elites have adopted an ostensible posture of non-interference in political matters.

This position my dear friends seems no longer tenable. If this is Bajwa doctrine, then we should consider abandoning it. The military has not only the capacity and the responsibility but the right to take over the turf we have lost to the enemies of our country and civilization. Remember, hybrid wars are not only wars of resources but wars of mind and soul. Our land is intact but the public mind is not. It is the responsibility of the military to take back this turf in the most expedient, swift, and abrupt manner. Time is running fast, and we the people will judge their role on whether they acted timely and judiciously to save the people. No other institution has the capacity to this, but only one, the military.

False consciousness

I grew up in the United States believing all the things that our elites believe, but with self-effort and the help of morally upright and intellectually superior mentors, I had to give up all the false beliefs at a rather younger age. Today, when I am more than half a century old, it amazes me to see how so many of our mature elites still believe in the superstitions of the nineteenth century.

My appeal to the elites of this nation is not to believe in the frauds of the 19th and 20th century’s white man who colonized you, fooled you, and sought to perpetuate his control over your resources and your soul. Belief in deep secularism, the idea of a republic, nationalism, capitalism, feminism, absolute freedom of speech, are all false consciousness that must be abandoned for things that work for us. These backward ideologies are not even working for the white man, how can they work for you?

Read more: EXCLUSIVE! Mustafa Akyol: Is Islam facing a crisis?

The reason Pakistan has not met its God-given potential is that the state is weak. The reason our state is weak because it believes in errant a concept that prevents it from the gradual cultivation of strength and then persevering on the straight path. Someone has to spray pesticide on the termites or else it is a matter of time that the entire tree will be hollowed out and hit the ground. Let us avoid that if we can.

Dr. Ejaz Akram is a Professor of World Politics SWUPL, Chongqing, China. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.