It’s not even summer yet, but Maryland is having a great year for tourism. The Grand Line state is full of beautiful beaches and rich history, providing the kind of place where anyone could take a happy vacation. But with so many outdoors attractions, one would expect Maryland to see more activity during the prime summer holiday months. But people are already visiting, and Maryland is getting the big bucks as a result. So what has Maryland got to offer that’s making it such a tourist attraction? Let’s take a closer look.
Sailing And Seaside Dining
The Chesapeake Bay is one of the main attractions of Maryland, as is the famous “loop” that goes up and down the coast. Along the way are many cute little fishing towns with romantic resorts and docks that launch all kinds of ferries and kayak tours. For those that enjoy sailing and fishing, Maryland is a wonderful tourist destination. It helps that most people have spent the past two years cooped up at home. So of course a place that offers outdoor activities will see more tourism.
Not only is the sailing great, but there are many unique islands around the bay that offer historical value and special experiences. Storyteller Tours take visitors through places of history and legend. The guides are well-versed in the stories of Maryland and will share lore on things like old ghost stories, unknown history, and even secret fishing techniques.
For foodies, there’s Smith Island. The island is known for its Smith Cake, a layer cake that is prepared in a style that’s been passed down for generations. With so much to offer from its land alone, it’s no wonder that Maryland tourism spending is growing. There’s something for all kinds of nature lovers and unique local experiences that smartly attract spending.
The Latest In Big City Trends
Despite being a great place for more adventurous vacations, Maryland also has a bustling city scene. The city of Baltimore is on the bay as well, and offers all the accommodations of a big port town. The downtown district is the Inner Harbor, and is complete with prime shopping and delicious seaside restaurants.
The bay area is also home to several casinos, and Maryland has legal sports betting. This puts it in an elite club of states that have adopted the latest profitable trend. Sports betting is taking off all over the country, providing people outside of Vegas with high-stakes thrills and a few big wins. Maryland will see the arrival of sportsbooks apps like Caesars soon, allowing you to bet from your phone. You could even place a wager on a live game while watching the game at a Maryland stadium or a fun sports bar. Sports betting is a huge rising trend all over the US, and Maryland’s participation is sure to bring even more tourism money into the state.
Place Of Pride That We Need Right Now
Finally, Maryland has several historical sites that date back to the country’s founding. The land was an important venue during the Revolutionary War, and the Chesapeake Bay in particular served as a key place to push back British forces arriving from overseas. Many Maryland museums celebrate American victories, giving us a much-needed reminder of why we love our country.
One particular place of interest is Ft. McHenry. During the War of 1812, outnumbered US soldiers stood their ground in the fort against a vast British force. Against all odds, the embattled soldiers held McHenry long enough to force the British to give up. It was that battle that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner. Seeing the flag raised high on McHenry, just as Key did that day so long ago, would inspire any American.