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Thursday, October 17, 2024

UN & OIC Urge Restraint: Indian Human Rights Violations Condemned

International regulatory bodies, including the United Nations, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and the OIC Human Rights Commission have condemned India's role in escalating tensions, and the civilian casualties caused by Indian Army’s use of cluster bombs along the LoC.

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The United Nations, on Sunday, urged Pakistan and India to exercise “maximum restraint” to avoid escalation of the rapidly increasing military confrontation between the two neighboring rivals alongside the Line of Control (LoC) dividing the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

Spokesperson of the UN Secretary General, Stephane Dujarric, issued a statement informing the two countries of the observations made by the UN Military Observer Group (UNMOGIP) assigned to India and Pakistan to supervise ceasefire violations. The UN spokesperson stated, “The UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (Unmogip) observed and reported an increase in military activity at the Line of Control in recent days.”

The OIC also issued a statement, condemning India’s role escalating aggression in Indian-occupied Kashmir, and the civilian casualties resulting from the ceasefire violations along the LoC.

Dujarric added, “The United Nations appeals to both sides to exercise maximum restraint to ensure that the situation does not further deteriorate.”

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UN & OIC Call for Resolution

It is important to note that since its deployment in January 1949, Pakistan has allowed UNMOGIP the liberty to observe and monitor the LoC, however, India has blatantly disregarded the scrutiny of the United Nations.

On Sunday, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) also issued a statement, condemning India’s role escalating aggression in Indian-occupied Kashmir, and the civilian casualties resulting from the ceasefire violations along the LoC.

A statement issued by the OIC noted, “The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, including reports of deployment of additional paramilitary forces and use of banned cluster munition by the Indian forces to target civilians.”

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“The General Secretariat is saddened to learn about the civilian casualties resulting from ceasefire violations carried out by Indian forces across the Line of Control and expresses solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir,” the statement added.

The OIC urged the international community to intervene and call upon India to resolve the Kashmir dispute with a peaceful political solution. The statement concluded, “The OIC reiterates its call upon the international community to rise up to its responsibility for the peaceful resolution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.”

The Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) also issued a strongly-worded statement to condemn Indian brutality in the occupied valley, and the blatant disregard for human lives across the Line of Control (LoC).

The IPHRC noted, “The Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), strongly condemns the ongoing and fresh human rights violations in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) and deplores the lack of respect and insensitivity shown by the Indian Government towards the international human rights law, UN Security Council Resolutions and its human rights obligations.”

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38,000 Indian Paramilitary Deployed

The OIC’s Human Rights Commission noted that the Indian government has begun heavy military deployment, which has led to panic and fear across the continent. The Commission highlighted India’s blatant disregard of human rights obligations and the sanctity of Kashmiri life.

The statement issued by the IPHRC read, “The credible local and international media is replete with reports about recent deployment of additional 38,000 Indian paramilitary security personnel in IoK. This fortification in the already heavily militarized IoK has aggravated the sense of fear and panic among the civilians amid impending uncertainty and insecurity.”

It further added, “In the presence of infamous laws such as Armed Forces Special Powers Act and Public Safety Act, which enable Indian security forces to trample human rights of innocent Kashmiris with absolute impunity, this build-up of forces has the potential to further exacerbating human rights violations and shrinking of civil liberties in IoK.”

UN Military Observer Group assigned to India and Pakistan to supervise ceasefire violations.

The OIC Human Rights Commission noted that India has violated the international humanitarian laws with the use of cluster ammunition, which has resulted in killing and injuring innocent civilians, including women and children.

The IPHRC statement continued, “Worst still, the top leadership of the True Representatives of Kashmiris have been incarcerated and denied their right to legal recourse and dignified treatment, which is highly condemnable. It also gives the foretaste of looming adventurism by the occupation forces, to which the Kashmiri leadership is openly warning and protesting.”

Read more: India, Pakistan slammed by UN over Kashmir inaction

The OIC Human Rights Commission also highlighted that the “ultra-nationalist Indian Government” is hatching a “plan to change the geographic delimitation and demographic complexion of IoK in total disregard to the wishes and human rights of the people of IoK.” The statement noted, “Recent buildup of additional security forces is also linked to planned crushing of the expected Kashmiri resistance through brute force.”

The Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) urged the Government of India to desist from undertaking any measures which have the potential to alter the status of IoK in contravention to international human rights and humanitarian law, UN Security Council Resolutions and Fourth Geneva Convention.