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Thursday, February 13, 2025

Why economic cooperation is key to strengthening the US-Pakistan relationship

Presently, the United States and Pakistan are experiencing a particularly difficult period in their relations, following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The way forward is through increased economic cooperation.

The U.S-Pakistan relationship is a marriage of convenience. Both partners have different interests but decide to cooperate to achieve their respective objectives. There have been moments of love and there have been moments of conflict. At times, they may have even contemplated divorce. But ultimately, they recognize the value of staying together. And that is why they must continue to build a future with each other.

Presently, the United States and Pakistan are experiencing a particularly difficult period in their relations, following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The way forward is through increased economic cooperation. It will rebuild trust, stabilize Pakistan’s economy, signal Pakistan’s importance in the region, and promote regional stability.

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Current U.S. policy is largely centered around forcing Pakistan to choose between the U.S. and China. This approach has been ineffective. It has not only strained the relationship but also failed to promote cooperation on key issues such as counterterrorism, nuclear non-proliferation, regional stability, and economic development. In addition, tensions between Pakistan and India pose a nuclear threat in the region. Moreover, Pakistan’s dependence on an IMF agreement to prevent economic collapse highlights the growing risks of instability.

The solution to every issue with Pakistan begins with economic cooperation

On February 23rd, both countries concluded the 9th council meeting of the U.S.-Pakistan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA). They engaged in trade and investment-related issues and expressed the intent to increase market access and decrease trade barriers, especially for agricultural products. Other avenues of cooperation include digital trade, intellectual property protection and enforcement, labor rights, good regulatory practices, and women’s economic empowerment. Pakistan is looking to increase its exports of mangoes and fresh dates, while the U.S. wants to boost its exports of beef and soybeans. Ultimately, both countries are trying to keep the marriage intact.

Increased economic cooperation demonstrates the U.S. commitment to PakistanIt rebuilds trust in the strained marriage. Pakistan feels that the U.S. often treats it unfairly and high-handedly. With growing concerns over the recent climate-induced floods and the precarious economic situation in the country, economic cooperation with the U.S. helps stabilize Pakistan’s economy. The U.S. is the largest export market for Pakistan, and economic cooperation can restore its place as the top foreign direct investor in the country.

Additionally, economic cooperation signals Pakistan’s importance in the regionDeepening U.S.-India relations, driven by the desire to counter China, also affect Pakistan’s national security. Increased economic cooperation signals that the U.S. still considers Pakistan an important strategic partner, thereby enhancing regional stability.

Most importantly, an economically stable Pakistan is a safe Pakistan. Many of Pakistan’s concerns with its neighbors are tied to economic insecurities. Addressing them will contribute to stability and potentially open up trade relations between India and Pakistan. Greater economic cooperation between India and Pakistan will bolster stability.

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Some argue that placing such a strong emphasis on economic cooperation with Pakistan risks U.S. ties with India. That is not the case. India is a huge economy with far greater purchasing power than Pakistan and offers a larger market for the U.S. India’s investment in technology far surpasses Pakistan’s. As the U.S. seeks to decouple from Chinese supply chains, India is keen to position itself as the ideal alternative.

The U.S.-Pakistan relationship is complex—and it’s time to get a troubled marriage back on track. The U.S. should build trust with Pakistan through increased economic cooperation. This policy will stabilize Pakistan’s economy, signal Pakistan’s importance in the region, and promote regional stability. Enhanced economic cooperation with Pakistan paves the way for a more stable and prosperous future.


Written by Shehryar Qaisrani 

The writer is a Fulbright Scholar at the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University. The views expressed in the article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the editorial policy of Global Village Space.