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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Why You Might Benefit from The Use of Refrigerated Containers

In a world fuelled by globalisation, there are items constantly migrating not only from state to state, but country to country – with these countries sometimes being on opposite sides of the world! One of the most important means by which things are transported is through refrigerated containers, whether it be highly valuable medical supplies or delicious – but heat sensitive – foods from a country far, far away. In this article, we take a look at why refrigerated containers are such a valuable addition to the local and international supply chain. 

What are refrigerated containers?

If you’re already on the hunt for a 30 or 40 foot refrigerated container for sale, there’s a good chance you already appreciate the importance of these containers. It is through refrigerated containers that we’re able to enjoy the wonderful food and similarly perishable items from other countries. Just imagine a world without wonderful imported cheese from France, as without these items staying cold during their trip, there’s simply no feasible way for us to enjoy them. Refrigerated containers, otherwise known as reefer containers or intermodal containers, are shipping containers that have the benefit of being equipped with a refrigeration system. This refrigeration system is quite versatile, and can either run on a diesel generator for small periods of time or be connected to an external power source. The latter is typically what occurs when the containers are sitting around in a dock waiting to be shipped or are already in transit on a boat. depending on the container, it may have a water cooling systems, but the high expensive of these units mean that most refrigerated units have ventilation systems instead. 

Great uses for refrigerated containers

Although the idea of refrigerated containers might make you immediately think of cargo ships and docks, you certainly don’t have to be importing things from exotic destinations to make the most of refrigerated containers. Many local businesses can find a significant amount of value in having a refrigerated container on hand, whether temporary or long-term – sometimes these containers even represent more value than dedicated fridges! This is perhaps most pronounced with big events, where the need to keep vast quantities of things cold for a weekend creates a problem only these containers can solve. Refrigerated containers are ideal for use as storage for items that would quickly spoil, such as perishables, or items that are highly sensitive to heat – in the case of the latter, weather unpredictability during transit will mean that refrigerated containers are a “better safe than sorry” approach. Such sensitive items are often required by businesses such as restaurants, cafes, farms, hospitals (in the instance of medical supplies) and warehouses. 

What refrigerated containers can do for you

Next time you see a heat sensitive product from another country in your local supermarket, give a thought to the refrigerated container that allowed it to make the mammoth journey all the way to you. Whether you need it to run from a generator or dedicated power source, a refrigerated container can prove to be a highly versatile option for your business. If you’ve heard horror stories, it’s also a good idea to keep in mind that modern refrigeration systems used in containers these days are extremely accurate and reliable, so there’s no need to worry at all.

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