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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Will world silently witness ethnic cleansing in Kashmir, PM Khan questions

While questioning the silence of the world community on IoK, PM Khan said that the genocide will set off radicalization and cycles of violence in the region and beyond if the world silently watches and doesn’t react to the situation in IoK.

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Prime Minister Imran Khan has warned the international community that the ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) will have severe repercussions and reactions in the Muslim world.

While questioning the silence of the world community on IoK, PM Khan said that the genocide will set off radicalization and cycles of violence in the region and beyond if the world silently watches and doesn’t react to the situation in IoK.

While taking to Twitter, the premier, who has displayed a plain black image as his profile photo, stated: “In IoK, 12 days of curfew, presence of extra troops in an already heavily militarised occupied territory, sending in of RSS [Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh] goons, complete communication blackout — with the example of Modi’s earlier ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Gujarat”.

PM Khan-led National Security Committee meeting had decided last week that Pakistan would mark India’s Independence Day as black day in the wake of the Indian move to revoke Article 370

In addition, he stated: “Will [the] world silently witness another Srebrenica-type massacre and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in IoK? I want to warn the international community if it allows this to happen, it will have severe repercussions and reactions in the Muslim world, setting off radicalisation and cycles of violence.”

The premier’s message has come as the Indian-imposed curfew and communications blackout in occupied Kashmir entered its 12th day. As India is celebrating its Independence Day on August 15, Pakistan is observing it as a black day across Pakistan to protest the brutalities and human rights abuses in occupied Kashmir.

PM Khan-led National Security Committee meeting had decided last week that Pakistan would mark India’s Independence Day as black day in the wake of the Indian move to revoke Article 370 that gave occupied Kashmir an autonomous status and to split the held valley into two territories.

‘Will we watch another appeasement of fascism’ 

On August 9, the premier had urged the international community to show moral courage to stop India from carrying out genocide in occupied Kashmir.

“What should be obvious is the int community will be witnessing the genocide of the Kashmiris in IOK. Question is: Will we watch another appeasement of fascism, this time in the garb of BJP govt, or will the int community have the moral courage to stop this from happening,” PM Khan tweeted.

In another tweet, PM Khan said: “The whole world is waiting to see what happens to oppressed Kashmiris in IOK when curfew is lifted. Does the BJP govt think by using greater military force against Kashmiris in IOK, it will stop the freedom movement? Chances are it will gain momentum.

On August 5, India’s government had revoked the special status of occupied Kashmir and rushed through a presidential decree in a bid to fully integrate its only Muslim-majority region with the rest of the country, hours after imposing a major security clampdown in the region.

Read more: ‘There can never be a compromise on Kashmir’: COAS

Indian Home Minister Amit Shah had introduced the presidential order and the bill in Parliament on August 5. Through the order, India has revoked Article 370 of the Indian Constitution thereby ending the special autonomous status of Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan has strongly condemned India’s move to annex occupied Kashmir and the imposition of an unprecedented security lockdown in the area.