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Monday, July 1, 2024

Women Rescued After Being Bricked into Wall Over Property

a woman and her teenage daughter were rescued by police and neighbors after being bricked into a wall by relatives over a property dispute in Hyderabad’s Latifabad No. 5 area. The victims, identified as widow Tasleem Jahan and her 14-year-old daughter Dua, were found alive after being confined in their home for an entire day.

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The culprits, allegedly the woman’s brother-in-law Suhail and his sons, locked the duo inside a room and constructed a wall to seal them in. Upon receiving the distress call, a team from the B Section Police Station quickly responded, demolishing the wall to free the entrapped victims. Both were immediately taken to the hospital for medical attention.

Ongoing Property Dispute

According to the initial investigation, the property dispute has been a longstanding issue within the family. Tasleem Jahan stated in her FIR that the house, comprising three portions, has been the subject of contention. She lives in one part with her daughter, while her late husband’s brother, who possesses the property documents, occupies another portion. The accused, Suhail, along with his accomplices, had been harassing them for control over the property.

Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Dr. Farrukh Linjar assured that the culprits would be arrested soon, stating, “The accused who bricked the mother and daughter into a wall will be arrested soon.” The police are conducting raids to apprehend Suhail and his sons, who fled the scene following the crime.

Rising Incidents of Violence

This case is a stark reminder of the growing incidents of violence over property disputes in Pakistan. Just last month, a property dispute in Peshawar resulted in the deaths of five people. Two groups opened fire on each other, leading to tragic fatalities. These disputes often escalate to deadly confrontations, underscoring the need for stringent legal measures and conflict resolution mechanisms.

In Hyderabad, the rescue operation highlights the crucial role of timely intervention by law enforcement and community members. The prompt action by the police and neighbors undoubtedly saved the lives of Tasleem and her daughter.

Community Response and Legal Actions

Following their rescue, Tasleem expressed gratitude towards the rescuers and urged for swift justice. “One can find numerous cases of families disintegrating due to the unseemly desire for landed property in our society,” she lamented, emphasizing the destructive nature of such disputes.

The local authorities are now focusing on amending laws to prevent illegal constructions and address personal enmities that lead to such violent incidents. There is also a call for stronger enforcement of property rights and better dispute resolution processes to avoid similar tragedies in the future.

Future Measures and Safety

The incident has sparked discussions on the importance of safeguarding vulnerable individuals, particularly widows and their children, from property-related violence. Community leaders are advocating for educational programs to inform citizens about their legal rights and the importance of peaceful dispute resolution.

As the investigation continues, the community remains vigilant, hoping for the swift capture and prosecution of the perpetrators. The case serves as a grim reminder of the lengths to which greed and familial conflicts can push individuals, and the critical need for societal and legal interventions to protect the innocent.